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Innovative Synthetic Procedures for Luminogens Showing Aggregation-Induced Emission
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-20 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202006191
Dingyuan Yan 1, 2, 3 , Qian Wu 1, 2, 3 , Dong Wang 1 , Ben Zhong Tang 3

As a consequence of their intrinsic advantageous properties, luminogens that show aggregation-induced emission (AIEgens) have received increasing global interest for a wide range of applications. Whereas general synthetic methods towards AIEgens largely rely on tedious procedures and limited reaction types, various innovative synthetic methods have now emerged as complementary, and even alternative, strategies. In this Review, we systematically highlight advancements made in metal-catalyzed functionalization and metal-free-promoted pathways for the construction of AIEgens over the past five years, and briefly illustrate new perspectives in this area. The development of innovative synthetic procedures will enable the facile synthesis of AIEgens with great structural diversity for multifunctional applications.



由于其固有的优势特性,显示聚集诱导发射 (AIEgens) 的发光原在广泛的应用中受到越来越多的全球关注。尽管 AIEgens 的一般合成方法很大程度上依赖于繁琐的程序和有限的反应类型,但现在已经出现了各种创新的合成方法作为补充甚至替代策略。在这篇综述中,我们系统地强调了过去五年在金属催化功能化和无金属促进的 AIEgens 构建途径方面取得的进展,并简要说明了该领域的新观点。创新合成程序的开发将使具有巨大结构多样性的 AIEgens 轻松合成,用于多功能应用。