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Inch-Size 0D-Structured Lead-Free Perovskite Single Crystals for Highly Sensitive Stable X-Ray Imaging
Matter ( IF 17.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.matt.2020.04.017
Yucheng Liu , Zhuo Xu , Zhou Yang , Yunxia Zhang , Jian Cui , Yihui He , Haochen Ye , Kui Zhao , Huaming Sun , Rui Lu , Ming Liu , Mercouri G. Kanatzidis , Shengzhong (Frank) Liu

Ion migration in perovskite materials accelerates its decomposition—deteriorating device performance, causing baseline drift, and lowering imaging resolution. In particular, in X-ray detectors, the effect of ion migration is more obvious under the necessary high working bias. Here, we report an effective strategy to grow superior inch-sized, high-quality, zero-dimensional (0D)-structured, lead-free (CH3NH3)3Bi2I9 perovskite single crystals. These crystals have significantly lower ion migration, reduced dark current, and better environmental stability compared with other perovskites, enabling us to fabricate a type of 0D-structured perovskite X-ray detector. The X-ray detector shows high sensitivity of 1,947 μC Gyair−1 cm−2, low detection limit of 83 nGyair s−1, short response time of 23.3 ms, the lowest baseline drift of 5.0 × 10−10 nA cm−1 s−1 V−1, and the best long-term stability among all perovskites reported. The combination of large crystal size and excellent X-ray response allows us to fabricate the first 0D-structured perovskite X-ray imaging system.



钙钛矿材料中的离子迁移会加速其分解,从而降低器件性能,导致基线漂移并降低成像分辨率。特别是在X射线探测器中,在必要的高工作偏压下,离子迁移的影响更加明显。在这里,我们报告了一种有效的策略,可以生长出优质的英制尺寸,高质量,零维(0D)结构,无铅(CH 3 NH 33 Bi 2 I 9钙钛矿单晶。与其他钙钛矿相比,这些晶体具有更低的离子迁移,更低的暗电流和更好的环境稳定性,从而使我们能够制造出一种0D结构的钙钛矿X射线检测器。的1947μC戈瑞的X射线检测器显示出高的灵敏度空气-1厘米-2,83 NGY低检测极限空气小号-1,23.3毫秒,5.0×10最低基线漂移短的响应时间-10 nA的cm的- 1 s -1 V -1,是所有钙钛矿中最佳的长期稳定性。大晶体尺寸和出色的X射线响应相结合,使我们能够制造出第一个0D结构的钙钛矿X射线成像系统。
