Journal of Power Sources ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.228293
Liu Wan , Dequan Chen , Jiaxing Liu , Yan Zhang , Jian Chen , Mingjiang Xie , Cheng Du
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The rational design and fabrication of flexible pseudocapacitive materials with high energy density and superior cycling stability is desirable to high-performance supercapacitors. A hybrid FeNiP@CoNi-LDH assembled from FeNiP nanosheets and CoNi-LDH nanosheets have been vertically grown on carbon cloth via a sequential hydrothermal reaction, phosphorization treatment and electrodeposition strategy. The as-prepared FeNiP@CoNi-LDH possesses a large surface area, 3D interconnected nanosheet arrays architecture, hierarchical pore structure, and abundant active sites with multiple valances, which provides rapid electron and mass transfer channels within its conducive network. Impressively, as a binder-free electrode for supercapacitors, the FeNiP@CoNi-LDH electrode exhibits a high specific capacitance of 2280.6 F g−1 at a current density of 1 A g−1, outstanding rate capability (1222.2 F g−1 at 20 A g−1), and significantly improved cyclic stability (70.4% capacitance retention after 5000 cycles) compared to pure FeNiP and CoNi-LDH nanosheets, owing to its well-designed nanostructure and synergetic effect between two well-matched pseudocapacitive materials. Besides, an aqueous asymmetric supercapacitor device based on FeNiP@CoNi-LDH and porous carbon delivers a maximum energy density of 87.3 Wh kg−1 at a power density of 408.8 W kg−1, and an excellent cycling stability with a capacitance retention of 73.9% after 20,000 cycles.

用于高能非对称超级电容器的碳布上FeNiP @ CoNi层状双氢氧化物杂化纳米片的构建
高性能超级电容器需要合理设计和制造具有高能量密度和出色循环稳定性的柔性伪电容材料。由FeNiP纳米片和CoNi-LDH纳米片组装而成的杂化FeNiP @ CoNi-LDH已通过顺序水热反应,磷化处理和电沉积策略在碳布上垂直生长。所制备的FeNiP @ CoNi-LDH具有大的表面积,3D互连的纳米片阵列结构,分层的孔结构以及丰富的具有多个价态的活性位点,从而在其导电网络中提供了快速的电子和质量传递通道。令人印象深刻的是,作为用于超级电容器的无粘合剂电极,FeNiP @ CoNi-LDH电极具有2280.6 F g -1的高比电容在将1 g的电流密度-1,杰出的速率能力(1222.2 F G -1在20 A G -1),和显著改善的循环稳定性(70.4%容量保持5000次循环后)相比纯FeNiP和的CoNi-LDH纳米片,由于其精心设计的纳米结构和两种良好匹配的假电容材料之间的协同作用。此外,基于FeNiP @的CoNi-LDH和多孔碳的水性不对称超级电容器装置提供87.3瓦公斤的最大能量密度-1处的408.8的功率密度钨千克-1,并用73.9的电容保持优异的循环稳定性20,000次循环后的%。