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Decomplexation of heterogeneous catalytic ozonation assisted with heavy metal chelation for advanced treatment of coordination complexes of Ni.
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139223
Zhijie Guan 1 , Yanping Guo 2 , Shoupeng Li 1 , Shaoqing Feng 1 , Yanghong Deng 1 , Xuelian Ou 2 , Jie Ren 2 , Shuiyu Sun 3 , Jialin Liang 1

Following the conventional physicochemical treatment of electroless nickel (Ni) plating wastewater (ENPW) in electroplating wastewater treatment plants, highly stable and recalcitrant coordination complexes of Ni (CCN) still remain. This results in various technical problems, leading to the treatment difficulty, poor wastewater biochemistry, and failure to meet effluent standards. Therefore, an efficient decomplexation system involving heterogeneous catalytic ozonation assisted with heavy metal chelation (O3/SAO3II-MDCR) was proposed in this study for the advanced treatment of CCN. The catalyst SAO3II was characterized by various methods, which revealed the mechanism of catalytic ozonation. Hydroxyl radicals (OH) and other reactive oxygen species (ROS) groups were detected, proving that catalytic ozonation was a complicated reaction process and also a foundation process of the entire system. These ROS are vital for decomplexation via heterogeneous catalytic ozonation of the system. During the catalytic decomplexation process via ozonation, CCN first underwent gradual decomposition from a highly stable macromolecular state to a volatile micromolecular state (or even completely mineralized state). Then Ni was chelated to form an insoluble and stable chelate via competitive coordination. The optimum conditions for the O3/SAO3II-MDCR system were determined by single factor static experiments. After treatment with the O3/SAO3II-MDCR system, the effluent concentration of total Ni was found to be <0.1 mg L-1, exhibiting a removal rate of up to 95.6% and achieving effective removal of total Ni from ENPW and stably meeting the discharge standard. O3/SAO3II-MDCR system can easily and hopefully be extended to practical engineering applications.



在电镀废水处理厂对化学镀镍(Ni)废水进行常规的物理化学处理后,仍然保留了高度稳定且顽固的镍配位络合物(CCN)。这导致各种技术问题,导致处理困难,废水生物化学差以及不能满足废水标准。因此,本研究提出了一种有效的分解体系,该体系涉及异质催化臭氧化和重金属螯合(O3 / SAO3II-MDCR),用于CCN的深度处理。通过多种方法对催化剂SAO3II进行了表征,揭示了催化臭氧化的机理。检测了羟基(OH)和其他活性氧(ROS)组,证明了催化臭氧化是一个复杂的反应过程,也是整个系统的基础过程。这些ROS对于通过系统的非均相催化臭氧分解来进行复合至关重要。在通过臭氧化的催化分解过程中,CCN首先经历了从高度稳定的大分子状态到挥发性微分子状态(甚至完全矿化状态)的逐步分解。然后通过竞争配位将镍螯合形成不溶和稳定的螯合物。通过单因素静态实验确定了O3 / SAO3II-MDCR系统的最佳条件。用O3 / SAO3II-MDCR系统处理后,总镍的流出物浓度<0.1 mg L-1,去除率高达95。6%,可有效去除ENPW中的总Ni,并稳定达到放电标准。O3 / SAO3II-MDCR系统可以轻松并有望扩展到实际工程应用。