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Influence of FeCl3⋅6H2O on the Hydration Hardening and Water Resistance of Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement
ChemistrySelect ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-05 , DOI: 10.1002/slct.202000306
Yanjiao Zhu 1, 2 , Zhen Wang 1, 2 , Zhifeng Li 1 , Haibin Yu 2

Magnesium potassium phosphate cement (MKPC) is an ideal repair material due to its rapid curing advantages, but the setting time is too short to be applied in practical applications. In this work, FeCl3⋅6H2O was incorporated to MKPC to reduce the hydration temperature and prolong the setting time. Comprehensive investigation was performed on the influence of FeCl3⋅6H2O on the hydration temperature, setting time, mechanical properties, water resistance and microstructure of MKPC. The results showed that during the hydration process, FeCl3⋅6H2O underwent a phase transition and absorbed part of the hydration heat, which delayed the hydration heat release rate and effectively extended the setting time. In addition, the incorporation of FeCl3⋅6H2O with suitable contents had a positive impact on the compressive strength and water resistance. Finally, the optimal content of FeCl3⋅6H2O was determined to be 1.0%.



磷酸镁钾水泥(MKPC)具有快速固化的优点,是一种理想的修补材料,但是固化时间太短,无法在实际应用中使用。在这项工作中,的FeCl 3 ⋅6H 2 O的掺入MKPC降低水化温度和延长的凝固时间。全面调查了的的FeCl的影响进行3 ⋅6H 2上水合温度O,凝结时间,机械性能,耐水性和MKPC的微观结构。结果表明,在水合过程中,的FeCl 3 ⋅6H 2O经历了相变并吸收了一部分水化热,这延迟了水合热释放速率并有效地延长了凝固时间。此外,的FeCl掺入3 ⋅6H 2 ö与合适的内容对的压缩强度和耐水性具有积极影响。最后,的FeCl的最佳含量3 ⋅6H 2 O的测定为1.0%。