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Can soil properties and land use explain glomalin-related soil protein (GRSP) accumulation? A nationwide survey in France
Catena ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2020.104620
Siobhan Staunton , Nicolas P.A. Saby , Dominique Arrouays , Hervé Quiquampoix

Organic matter plays essential roles in soil, including physical stabilization, nutrient storage and carbon sequestration. An operationally defined fraction of soil organic matter known as glomalin or glomalin-related soil protein, GRSP, is obtained by autoclaving soil in citrate solution. It is reputed to be of fungal origin, very stable and responsible for enhanced soil physical stability. This is the first nationwide survey of GRSP content in soil and was conducted to test the hypotheses on the origin and identity of GRSP. Nearly 200 archived soils were selected on the basis of organic matter content from the French National Soil Inventory, representing mostly cropland, grassland and woodland land uses. Two fractions of GRSP were measured, easily extractable (GRSPEE) and total (GRSPT), extraction. The median values of GRSPEE and GRSPT were 0.7 and 2 g kg−1 respectively, with a strong correlation between the two fractions. Scatter plots and cubist modelling were used to explore the relationships between the contents of the two GRSP fractions and both soil properties and land use. Land use effects were almost entirely attributable to soil characteristics. No evidence was found to support the hypotheses that GRSP is solely of fungal origin, nor that easily extracted GRSP is more recent that the total fraction, although this does not disprove either hypothesis. Soil organic matter was enriched in GRSP C-depleted cropland soils and lower in C-rich woodland, this may result from inherent stability or differences in plant-related composition of carbon input.



有机物在土壤中起着至关重要的作用,包括物理稳定,养分储存和碳固存。通过将土壤高压灭菌于柠檬酸盐溶液中,可得到一定范围的土壤有机质,即glomalin或与gloomalin相关的土壤蛋白GRSP。它被认为是真菌来源的,非常稳定,可以增强土壤的物理稳定性。这是对土壤中GRSP含量的首次全国性调查,旨在检验有关GRSP起源和特性的假设。根据法国国家土壤清单中的有机物含量,选择了近200种存档土壤,这些土壤主要代表农田,草地和林地的土地用途。测量了GRSP的两部分,分别为易提取(GRSP EE)和总含量(GRSP T),提取。GRSP EE和GRSP T的中位数分别为0.7和2 g kg -1分别在两个分数之间具有很强的相关性。散点图和立体模型用于研究两个GRSP组分含量与土壤性质和土地利用之间的关系。土地利用影响几乎完全归因于土壤特征。没有证据支持GRSP完全是真菌来源的假设,也没有容易提取的GRSP比总馏分更近的假说,尽管这并不能反驳这两个假设。GRSP贫碳农田土壤中的有机质含量较高,而富碳林地中的土壤有机质含量较低,这可能是由于固有的稳定性或与植物相关的碳输入成分差异造成的。
