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Polymorphism and phase transformation in the dimethyl sulfoxide solvate of 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-1,4-diiodobenzene.
Acta Crystallographica Section C ( IF 0.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-30 , DOI: 10.1107/s2053229620005690
Andrew D Bond 1 , Chris L Truscott 1

A new polymorph (form II) is reported for the 1:1 dimethyl sulfoxide solvate of 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-1,4-diiodobenzene (TFDIB·DMSO or C6F4I2·C2H6SO). The structure is similar to that of a previously reported polymorph (form I) [Britton (2003). Acta Cryst. E59, o1332-o1333], containing layers of TFDIB molecules with DMSO molecules between, accepting I...O halogen bonds from two TFDIB molecules. Re-examination of form I over the temperature range 300-120 K shows that it undergoes a phase transformation around 220 K, where the DMSO molecules undergo re-orientation and become ordered. The unit cell expands by ca 0.5 Å along the c axis and contracts by ca 1.0 Å along the a axis, and the space-group symmetry is reduced from Pnma to P212121. Refinement of form I against data collected at 220 K captures the (average) structure of the crystal prior to the phase transformation, with the DMSO molecules showing four distinct disorder components, corresponding to an overlay of the 297 and 120 K structures. Assessment of the intermolecular interaction energies using the PIXEL method indicates that the various orientations of the DMSO molecules have very similar total interaction energies with the molecules of the TFDIB framework. The phase transformation is driven by interactions between DMSO molecules, whereby re-orientation at lower temperature yields significantly closer and more stabilizing interactions between neighbouring DMSO molecules, which lock in an ordered arrangement along the shortened a axis.



报道了 2,3,5,6-四氟-1,4-二碘苯(TFDIB·DMSO 或 C6F4I2·C2H6SO)的 1:1 二甲基亚砜溶剂化物的新多晶型物(II 型)。该结构类似于先前报道的多晶型物(I 型)[Britton (2003)。阿克塔水晶。 E59,o1332-o1333],包含TFDIB分子层,其间有DMSO分子,接受来自两个TFDIB分子的I...O卤素键。在 300-120 K 温度范围内重新检查晶型 I 表明,它在 220 K 左右发生相变,其中 DMSO 分子发生重新取向并变得有序。晶胞沿 c 轴膨胀约 0.5 Å,沿 a 轴收缩约 1.0 Å,空间群对称性从 Pnma 降低到 P212121。根据在 220 K 下收集的数据对 I 型进行精化,捕获相变之前晶体的(平均)结构,其中 DMSO 分子显示出四种不同的无序成分,对应于 297 K 和 120 K 结构的叠加。使用 PIXEL 方法评估分子间相互作用能表明,不同方向的 DMSO 分子与 TFDIB 骨架分子具有非常相似的总相互作用能。相变是由 DMSO 分子之间的相互作用驱动的,因此在较低温度下的重新定向会产生相邻 DMSO 分子之间更紧密、更稳定的相互作用,从而沿着缩短的轴锁定有序排列。