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Biosynthesis of Biscognienyne B Involving a Cytochrome P450-Dependent Alkynylation.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-04 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202004364
Jian-Ming Lv 1, 2 , Yao-Hui Gao 1 , Huan Zhao 3 , Takayoshi Awakawa 4 , Ling Liu 5 , Guo-Dong Chen 1 , Xin-Sheng Yao 1 , Dan Hu 1 , Ikuro Abe 4 , Hao Gao 1

The alkyne is a biologically significant moiety found in many natural products and a versatile functional group widely used in modern chemistry. Recent studies have revealed the biosynthesis of acetylenic bonds in fatty acids and amino acids. However, the molecular basis for the alkynyl moiety in acetylenic prenyl chains occurring in a number of meroterpenoids remains obscure. Here, we identify the biosynthetic gene cluster and characterize the biosynthetic pathway of an acetylenic meroterpenoid biscognienyne B based on heterologous expression, feeding experiments, and in vitro assay. This work shows that the alkyne moiety is constructed by an unprecedented cytochrome P450 enzyme BisI, which shows promiscuous activity towards C5 and C15 prenyl chains. This finding provides an opportunity for discovery of new compounds, featuring acetylenic prenyl chains, through genome mining, and it also expands the enzyme inventory for de novo biosynthesis of alkynes.


Biscognienyne B的生物合成涉及细胞色素P450依赖的炔基化作用。
