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Electronic and Magnetic Properties of BaFeO3 on the Pt(111) Surface in a Quasicrystalline Approximant Structure
Physica Status Solidi (B) - Basic Solid State Physics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201900649
Waheed Adeniyi Adeagbo 1 , Igor V. Maznichenko 1 , Hichem Ben Hamed 1 , Ingrid Mertig 1 , Arthur Ernst 2, 3 , Wolfram Hergert 1

Perovskite‐like ABO3 oxides A = (Ca, Sr, Ba) and B = (Ti, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) show a large variety of structures and physical properties. Among them is BaTiO3 (BTO), one of the most investigated and used perovskites. In a BTO film on Pt(111), the first oxide quasicrystal was discovered. Herein, by means of first‐principle methods, the cubic and hexagonal phases of bulk BaFeO3 (BFO) are investigated. Both phases show ferromagnetic order. Monolayers and double layers of BFO are studied on a Pt(111) surface. The double‐layer configuration of the cubic and hexagonal phases is structurally inequivalent but both double‐layer films show antiferromagnetic order. In analogy to the BTO quasicrystal approximant structure on Pt(111), a corresponding BFO structure is investigated. The Fe atoms are surrounded by three oxygen atoms and the resulting FeO3 units are separated by barium atoms with the total stoichiometry Ba5Fe4O12.



钙钛矿型ABO 3氧化物A =(Ca,Sr,Ba)和B =(Ti,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni)具有多种结构和物理性质。其中包括BaTiO 3(BTO),这是研究最多的钙钛矿之一。在Pt(111)上的BTO膜中,发现了第一个氧化物准晶体。在这里,通过第一原理方法,块状BaFeO 3的立方相和六方相(BFO)被调查。两个相均显示铁磁有序。在Pt(111)表面上研究了BFO的单层和双层。立方相和六方相的双层结构在结构上不等价,但两个双层膜均显示反铁磁序。与Pt(111)上的BTO准晶体近似结构相似,研究了相应的BFO结构。Fe原子被三个氧原子包围,生成的FeO 3单元被钡原子隔开,总化学计量为Ba 5 Fe 4 O 12