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Polypyridine-Based Helical Amide Foldamer Channels: Rapid Transport of Water and Protons with High Ion Rejection.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-28 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202003512
Jie Shen 1 , Jingrong Fan 2 , Ruijuan Ye 3 , Ning Li 1 , Yuguang Mu 2 , Huaqiang Zeng 1

Synthetic strategies that enable rapid construction of covalent organic nanotubes with an angstrom‐scale tubular pore remain scarcely reported. Reported here is a remarkably simple and mild one‐pot polymerization protocol, employing POCl3 as the polymerization agent. This protocol efficiently generates polypyridine amide foldamer‐based covalent organic nanotubes with a 2.8 nm length at a yield of 50 %. Trapping single‐file water chains in the 2.8 Å tubular cavity, rich in hydrogen‐bond donors and acceptors, these tubular polypyridine ensembles rapidly and selectively transport water at a rate of 1.6×109 H2O⋅S−1⋅channel−1 and protons at a speed as fast as gramicidin A, with a high rejection of ions.



合成策略能够快速构建具有埃级管状孔的共价有机纳米管的报道很少。这里报道的是一种非常简单和温和的单锅聚合方案,采用POCl 3作为聚合剂。该协议可有效地生成基于聚吡啶酰胺折叠剂的共价有机纳米管,其长度为2.8 nm,产率为50%。捕获单文件水链在2.8的管状腔,富含氢键供体和受体,迅速这些管状聚吡啶合奏和选择性地输送水在1.6×10的速率9  ħ 2 O⋅S -1 ⋅channel -1质子的速度与短杆菌肽A一样快,并且对离子的排斥率很高。