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City-Scale Distance Sensing via Bispectral Light Extinction in Bad Weather
Remote Sensing ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-29 , DOI: 10.3390/rs12091401
Dong Zhao , Yuta Asano , Lin Gu , Imari Sato , Huixin Zhou

In this paper, we propose a novel city-scale distance sensing algorithm based on atmosphere optics. The suspended particles, especially in bad weather, would attenuate the light at almost all wavelengths. Observing this fact and starting from the light scattering mechanism, we derive a bispectral distance sensing algorithm by leveraging the difference of extinction coefficient between two specifically selected near infrared wavelengths. The extinction coefficient of the atmosphere is related to both wavelength and meteorological conditions, also known as visibility, such as the fog and haze day. To account for different bad weather conditions, we explicitly introduce visibility into our algorithm by incorporating it into the calculation of extinction coefficient, making our algorithm simple yet effective. To capture the data, we build a bispectral imaging system that is able to take a pair of images with a monochrome camera and two narrow band-pass filters. We also present a wavelength selection strategy that allows us to accurately sense distance regardless of material reflectance and texture. Specifically, this strategy determines two distinct near infrared wavelengths by maximising the extinction coefficient difference while minimizing the influence of building’s reflectance variance. The experiments empirically validate our model and its practical performance on the distance sensing for the city-scale buildings.


