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Engineering Facets and Oxygen Vacancies over Hematite Single Crystal for Intensified Electrocatalytic H2O2 Production
Advanced Functional Materials ( IF 18.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-27 , DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201910539
Ruijie Gao 1, 2 , Lun Pan 1, 2 , Zhengwen Li 1 , Chengxiang Shi 1, 2 , Yunduo Yao 1, 2 , Xiangwen Zhang 1, 2 , Ji‐Jun Zou 1, 2

Hydrogen peroxide is a highly valuable chemical, and electrocatalytic oxygen reduction towards H2O2 offers an alternative method for safe on‐site applications. Generally, low‐cost hematite (α‐Fe2O3) is not recognized as an efficient electrocatalyst because of its inert nature, but it is herein reported that α‐Fe2O3 can be endowed with high catalytic activity and selectivity via the engineering of facets and oxygen vacancies. Density‐functional theory (DFT)calculations predict that the {001} facet is intrinsically selective for H2O2 production, and that oxygen vacancies can trigger the high activity, providing sites for O2 adsorption and protonation, stabilizing the *OOH intermediate, and preventing cleavage of the OO bond. The synthesized oxygen‐defective α‐Fe2O3 single crystals with exposed {001} facets achieve high selectivities for H2O2 of >90%, >88%, and >95% in weakly acidic, neutral, and alkaline electrolytes, respectively, and the H2O2 production rate reaches 454 mmol g−1cat h−1 at 0.1 V versus RHE under alkaline conditions. In an anion exchange membrane fuel cell, a maximum H2O2 production of 546.8 mmol L−1 with a high Faradaic efficiency of 80.5% is achieved. Thus, this work details a low‐cost catalyst feasible for H2O2 synthesis, and highlights the feasibility of theoretical catalyst design for practical applications.



过氧化氢是一种非常有价值的化学物质,向H 2 O 2的电催化氧还原是安全现场应用的另一种方法。一般,低成本的赤铁矿(α-的Fe 2 ö 3)不被识别为由于其惰性性质的有效电催化剂,但是在本文中报道了的α-Fe 2 ö 3能够经由高的催化活性和选择性被赋予刻面和氧空位的工程。密度泛函理论(DFT)的计算表明,{001}晶面对H 2 O 2的产生具有内在选择性,并且氧空位可以触发高活性,从而为O提供了位点2吸附和质子化,稳定* OOH中间体,并防止OO键断裂。将合成的氧缺陷的α-Fe 2个ö 3单晶与露出{001}面实现为H高选择性2 ö 2 > 90%,> 88%,> 95%在弱酸性,中性和碱性电解质,在碱性条件下,相对于RHE,在0.1 V下H 2 O 2的生产率达到了454 mmol g -1 cat h -1。在阴离子交换膜燃料电池中,最大H 2 O 2产生为546.8 mmol L -1法拉第效率高达80.5%。因此,这项工作详述了可用于H 2 O 2合成的低成本催化剂,并强调了理论催化剂设计在实际应用中的可行性。