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Nonanal modulates oviposition preference in female Helicoverpa assulta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) via the activation of peripheral neurons.
Pest Management Science ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-24 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.5870
Chan Wang 1, 2 , Guannan Li 1 , Changjian Miao 1 , Man Zhao 1 , Bing Wang 2 , Xianru Guo 1

The insect olfactory system can recognize odorants for feeding, courtship, oviposition and avoiding natural enemies. Odorant cues from host plants play important roles in insect behaviours. Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) is the main cultivated host of the oriental tobacco budworm Helicoverpa assult. Volatiles of tobacco plants attract and stimulate oviposition in female moths. However, it is still not known how female H. assulta recognize tobacco volatiles and which odorant compounds are used as oviposition cues.


壬醛通过激活周围神经元来调节雌性 Helicoverpa assulta(鳞翅目:夜蛾科)的产卵偏好。

昆虫的嗅觉系统可以识别气味以进行取食、求偶、产卵和躲避天敌。来自寄主植物的气味线索在昆虫行为中发挥着重要作用。烟草( Nicotiana tabacum )是烟草芽虫Helicoverpa攻击的主要栽培宿主。烟草植物的挥发物吸引并刺激雌蛾产卵。然而,目前尚不清楚雌性H. assulta如何识别烟草挥发物以及哪些气味化合物被用作产卵线索。