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Obituary: Nongjian Tao 1963-2020.
ACS Sensors ( IF 8.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-24 , DOI: 10.1021/acssensors.0c00663
Stuart Lindsay 1

Nongjian Tao was an internationally renowned scholar, researcher, inventor, and entrepreneur. He will be remembered by his colleagues and many graduate students as much for his kind and gentle spirit as for his intellectual brilliance. Nongjian came to the US in 1984 to study for a Ph.D. in physics at Arizona State University (ASU). He was among the tiny number of elite physics students chosen to attend US universities under the China-US Physics Examination and Application (CUSPEA) program, started by Chinese-American Nobel Laureate T.D. Lee as one of the first openings between the two countries. As a graduate student, he made several key discoveries while investigating the physics of DNA molecules, publishing 12 papers on the subject in the latter years of his Ph.D. studies. After postdoctoral research at City College, New York, he returned to ASU, working in the very new area of Nanoscience. In 1992, he was recruited to a faculty position at Florida International University (FIU). While at FIU, he carried out a landmark experiment in molecular electronics, at a time when he had no graduate students or other help in the lab. The 1996 single-author paper describing his remarkable result won him the prestigious Hellmuth Fischer Medal in 2003. He also invented a method for greatly increasing the sensitivity of chemical measurements based on the reflection of light. He was recruited as a full professor in Electrical Engineering by ASU in 2001, becoming Director of the Center for Bioelectronics and Biosensors in the Biodesign Institute in 2008. He was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Senior Research Award in 2004, the Arizona Technology Enterprise Innovator of the Year in 2006, and the Microscopy Today Innovation Award in 2013. While at ASU, he founded two companies based on his inventions. Biosensing Instrument, founded in 2004, commercializes his inventions in improved optical sensing and imaging (https://biosensingusa.com/). Breezing, founded in 2011, produces the first device for mobile metabolic rate monitoring (https://breezing.com/). His research output was prodigious: He published 350 research papers which at the time of death had been cited by other researchers nearly 30,000 times. The impact of his papers is measured in his “h-index” of 90, greater than that of most Nobel Prize winners. His paper on a new way to measure the electrical properties of molecules alone has been cited more than 2000 times. He was awarded 26 US patents, most of which have been utilized in new products produced both by the companies he founded and by other companies. This body of work was recognized in his election to fellowship in professional societies, in addition to many other awards. He was elected fellow of AAAS, and served as an editor of ACS Sensors from 2015 to the time of his death. In addition to his beloved wife of 34 years, Shuang Huang, he leaves behind his daughter, Kathy, his son, Kevin, brothers Fushou and Longgang Tao, sisters Xianjuan and Miaojuan Tao, and mother Yuxiou Jiang. Gifts may be made to a memorial scholarship in honor of Nongjian as follows: Make checks out to ASU Foundation and write “Dr. Nongjian Tao Memorial Scholarship” in the memo line. Send contributions to ASU Foundation, Attn: Financial Services, P.O. Box 2260, Tempe, Arizona 85280-2260. Views expressed in this editorial are those of the author and not necessarily the views of the ACS. This article has not yet been cited by other publications.



陶农建是国际知名的学者,研究人员,发明家和企业家。他的同事和许多研究生会记住他,不仅因为他的友善和温柔的精神,还因为他的才华横溢。Nongjian于1984年来到美国攻读博士学位。亚利桑那州立大学(ASU)物理学博士。他是根据中美物理考试和申请CUSPEA)入选美国大学的极少数精英物理学生之一)计划,这是由华裔诺贝尔奖获得者TD Lee发起的,这是两国之间的首批开幕活动。作为一名研究生,他在研究DNA分子的物理学方面取得了一些重要发现,并在其博士学位后期发表了12篇关于该主题的论文。学习。在纽约城市学院进行博士后研究后,他回到了亚利桑那州立大学,在纳米科学的新领域工作。1992年,他被佛罗里达国际大学(FIU)聘为教师。在FIU期间,他在实验室没有研究生或其他帮助时,在分子电子学上进行了具有里程碑意义的实验。1996年的单作者论文描述了他的非凡成就,他在2003年赢得了久负盛名的Hellmuth Fischer奖章。他还发明了一种大大提高基于光反射的化学测量灵敏度的方法。他于2001年被美国亚利桑那州立大学(ASU)聘为电气工程专业教授,并于2008年成为生物设计学院生物电子与生物传感器中心的主任。他于2004年被授予亚历山大·冯·洪堡(Alexander von Humboldt)资深研究奖,是亚利桑那州立大学的技术创新者在2006年获得了年度创新奖,并在2013年获得了今日显微技术创新奖。在ASU期间,他根据自己的发明创立了两家公司。Biosensing Instrument成立于2004年,将他的发明商业化,用于改进光学传感和成像(https://biosensingusa.com/)。微风成立于2011年,生产出第一台用于移动代谢率监测的设备(https://breezing.com/)。他的研究成果令人赞叹:他发表了350篇研究论文,去世时已被其他研究人员引用了近30,000次。他的论文所产生的影响以他的“ h指数”为90来衡量,高于大多数诺贝尔奖获得者。他的关于一种仅用于测量分子电学性质的新方法的论文被引用了2000多次。他获得了26项美国专利,其中许多专利已由他创立的公司和其他公司用于生产新产品。除了获得许多其他奖项外,他的这一职业还获得了他在职业协会研究会中的认可。他被选为美国科学促进会的研究员,并担任编辑ACS传感器从2015年到他去世为止。除了拥有34年挚爱的妻子双黄外,他还留下了女儿凯西,儿子凯文,抚寿和龙岗涛兄弟,仙娟和苗娟涛姐妹以及江玉秀母亲。为了纪念Nongjian,可以向纪念奖学金赠送礼物,具体如下:向ASU基金会结帐,并写上“ Dr. 备注行中的“农道陶纪念奖学金”。向美国亚利桑那州立大学基金会捐款:金融服务,邮政信箱2260,亚利桑那州坦佩85280-2260。本社论中表达的观点只是作者的观点,不一定是ACS的观点。本文尚未被其他出版物引用。