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Ultrathin Thin-Film Composite Polyamide Membranes Constructed on Hydrophilic Poly(vinyl alcohol) Decorated Support Toward Enhanced Nanofiltration Performance.
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06779
Xuewu Zhu 1 , Xiaoxiang Cheng 2 , Xinsheng Luo 1 , Yatao Liu 1 , Daliang Xu 1 , Xiaobin Tang 1 , Zhendong Gan 1 , Liu Yang 1 , Guibai Li 1 , Heng Liang 1

Traditional polyamide-based interfacial polymerized nanofiltration (NF) membranes exhibit upper bound features between water permeance and salt selectivity. Breaking the limits of the permeability and rejections of these composite NF membranes are highly desirable for water desalination. Herein, a high-performance NF membrane (TFC-P) was fabricated via interfacial polymerization on the poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) interlayered poly(ether sulfone) (PES) ultrafiltration support. Owing to the large surface area, great hydrophilicity, and high porosity of the PES-PVA support, a highly cross-linked polyamide separating layer was formed with a thickness of 9.6 nm, which was almost 90% thinner than that of the control membrane (TFC-C). In addition, the TFC-P possessed lower ζ-potential, smaller pore size, and greater surface area compared to that of the TFC-C, achieving an ultrahigh water permeance of 31.4 L m-2 h-1 bar-1 and a 99.4% Na2SO4 rejection. Importantly, the PVA interlayer strategy was further applied to a pilot NF production line and the fabricated membranes presented stable water flux and salt rejections as comparable to the lab-scaled membranes. The outstanding properties of the PVA-interlayered NF membranes highlight the feasibility of the fabrication method for practical applications, which provides a new avenue to develop robust polyamide-based NF desalination membranes for environmental water treatment.



传统的聚酰胺基界面聚合纳米过滤(NF)膜在透水率和盐选择性之间表现出较高的界限。打破这些复合NF膜的渗透率和截留率极限对于水脱盐是非常需要的。本文中,通过界面聚合在聚乙烯醇(PVA)夹层聚醚砜(PES)超滤载体上制备了高性能NF膜(TFC-P)。由于PES-PVA载体的表面积大,亲水性高和孔隙率高,因此形成了高度交联的聚酰胺分离层,其厚度为9.6 nm,比对照膜的厚度薄了近90%( TFC-C)。此外,TFC-P具有较低的ζ电位,较小的孔径,与TFC-C相比表面积更大,实现了31.4 L m-2 h-1 bar-1的超高透水性和99.4%的Na2SO4截留率。重要的是,PVA夹层策略已进一步应用于中试NF生产线,并且制成的膜与实验室规模的膜相比具有稳定的水通量和脱盐率。PVA夹层NF膜的出色性能凸显了该制造方法在实际应用中的可行性,这为开发用于环境水处理的坚固的聚酰胺基NF脱盐膜提供了新途径。将PVA夹层策略进一步应用于中试NF生产线,并且制成的膜与实验室规模的膜相比具有稳定的水通量和脱盐率。PVA夹层NF膜的出色性能凸显了该制造方法在实际应用中的可行性,这为开发用于环境水处理的坚固的聚酰胺基NF脱盐膜提供了新途径。将PVA夹层策略进一步应用于中试NF生产线,并且制成的膜与实验室规模的膜相比具有稳定的水通量和脱盐率。PVA夹层NF膜的出色性能凸显了该制造方法在实际应用中的可行性,这为开发用于环境水处理的坚固的聚酰胺基NF脱盐膜提供了新途径。