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Synthesis of Metal-Organic Framework ZnO x -MOF@MnO2 Composites for Selective Removal of Strontium Ions from Aqueous Solutions.
ACS Omega ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-10 , DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.0c00228
Jung-Weon Choi 1 , Yoon-Ji Park 1 , Sang-June Choi 1

A Zn(II)-based metal–organic framework (MOF) compound and MnO2 were used to prepare ZnOx-MOF@MnO2 composites for selective Sr2+ removal in aqueous solutions. The ZnOx-MOF@MnO2 composites were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface area analysis. The functional groups, morphologies, thermal stabilities, and specific surface areas of the composites were suitable for Sr2+ adsorption. A maximum adsorption capacity of 147.094 mg g–1 was observed in batch adsorption experiments, and the sorption isotherms were fit well by the Freundlich model of multilayer adsorption. Adsorption reached equilibrium rapidly in kinetic experiments and followed the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. The adsorption capacity of the ZnOx-MOF@MnO2 composite with the highest MnO2 content was high over a wide pH range, and the composite was highly selective toward Sr2+ in solutions containing coexisting competing ions. Also, it has a good reusability for removing Sr2+.


金属有机框架 ZnO x -MOF@MnO2 复合材料的合成,用于选择性去除水溶液中的锶离子。

使用Zn(II)基金属有机骨架(MOF)化合物和MnO 2制备ZnO x -MOF@MnO 2复合材料,用于选择性去除水溶液中的Sr 2+ 。通过傅里叶变换红外光谱、扫描电子显微镜、热重分析和Brunauer-Emmett-Teller 表面积分析对ZnO x -MOF@MnO 2复合材料进行了表征。复合材料的官能团、形貌、热稳定性和比表面积适合Sr 2+吸附。批量吸附实验中观察到最大吸附容量为147.094 mg g –1 ,吸附等温线与多层吸附的Freundlich模型吻合良好。吸附在动力学实验中迅速达到平衡,遵循准二级动力学模型。 MnO 2含量最高的ZnO x -MOF@MnO 2复合材料在较宽的pH范围内具有较高的吸附能力,并且该复合材料在含有共存竞争离子的溶液中对Sr 2+具有高选择性。此外,它对于去除Sr 2+具有良好的重复使用性。