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Palatable food access impacts expression of amylin receptor components in the mesocorticolimbic system
Experimental Physiology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-13 , DOI: 10.1113/ep088356
Houda Nashawi 1 , Tyler J Gustafson 2 , Elizabeth G Mietlicki-Baase 2, 3

What is the central question of this study? We tested whether intra‐nucleus accumbens core amylin receptor (AmyR) activation suppresses feeding and evaluated whether intake of palatable food influences mesocorticolimbic AmyR expression. What is the main finding and its importance? Intra‐nucleus accumbens core AmyR activation reduces food intake in some dietary conditions. We showed that all components of the AmyR are expressed in the prefrontal cortex and central nucleus of the amygdala and demonstrated that access to fat impacts AmyR expression in these and other mesocorticolimbic nuclei. These results suggest that the intake of palatable food might alter amylin signalling in the brain and shed further light onto potential sites of action for amylin.



这项研究的核心问题是什么?我们测试了伏隔核内核心胰淀素受体 (AmyR) 激活是否抑制进食,并评估了可口食物的摄入是否会影响中皮质边缘 AmyR 的表达。主要发现是什么及其重要性?伏隔核内核心 AmyR 激活减少了某些饮食条件下的食物摄入量。我们发现 AmyR 的所有成分都在杏仁核的前额叶皮层和中央核中表达,并证明获得脂肪会影响这些和其他中皮质边缘核中的 AmyR 表达。这些结果表明,可口食物的摄入可能会改变大脑中的胰淀素信号传导,并进一步揭示胰淀素的潜在作用位点。