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Exploring dynamic protein-protein interactions in cassava through the integrative interactome network.
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-16 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-63536-0
Ratana Thanasomboon 1, 2 , Saowalak Kalapanulak 2, 3 , Supatcharee Netrphan 4 , Treenut Saithong 2, 3

Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) play an essential role in cellular regulatory processes. Despite, in-depth studies to uncover the mystery of PPI-mediated regulations are still lacking. Here, an integrative interactome network (MePPI-Ux) was obtained by incorporating expression data into the improved genome-scale interactome network of cassava (MePPI-U). The MePPI-U, constructed by both interolog- and domain-based approaches, contained 3,638,916 interactions and 24,590 proteins (59% of proteins in the cassava AM560 genome version 6). After incorporating expression data as information of state, the MePPI-U rewired to represent condition-dependent PPIs (MePPI-Ux), enabling us to envisage dynamic PPIs (DPINs) that occur at specific conditions. The MePPI-Ux was exploited to demonstrate timely PPIs of cassava under various conditions, namely drought stress, brown streak virus (CBSV) infection, and starch biosynthesis in leaf/root tissues. MePPI-Uxdrought and MePPI-UxCBSV suggested involved PPIs in response to stress. MePPI-UxSB,leaf and MePPI-UxSB,root suggested the involvement of interactions among transcription factor proteins in modulating how leaf or root starch is synthesized. These findings deepened our knowledge of the regulatory roles of PPIs in cassava and would undeniably assist targeted breeding efforts to improve starch quality and quantity.


