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Priorities for Cath labs in the COVID-19 tsunami
European Heart Journal ( IF 37.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-14 , DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehaa308
Gianluca Campo 1, 2 , Claudio Rapezzi 1, 2 , Luigi Tavazzi 2 , Roberto Ferrari 1, 2

The COVID-19 tsunami has reached our Catheterization laboratory (Cath lab) and will affect everyone in it, especially those labs (the majority) with direct access for patients for primary coronary intervention (PCI). It is essential to be prepared in advance. Awaiting the first COVID-19 patient’s arrival and then improvising corresponds to waiting for a disaster. Several instructions on how to manage a Cath lab during the COVID-19 pandemic have already been provided by different scientific societies. Here, we simply report our thoughts based on common sense, as nobody at present has any reliable data.


COVID-19 海啸中 Cath 实验室的优先事项

COVID-19 海啸已经到达我们的导管实验室(Cath 实验室)并将影响其中的每个人,尤其是那些可以直接为患者提供直接冠状动脉介入治疗 (PCI) 的实验室(大多数)。提前做好准备是必不可少的。等待第一个 COVID-19 患者的到来,然后即兴发挥相当于等待灾难。不同的科学团体已经提供了一些关于如何在 COVID-19 大流行期间管理 Cath 实验室的说明。在这里,我们只是根据常识报告我们的想法,因为目前没有任何可靠的数据。