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Hydrolyzable tannins from Poincianella (Caesalpinia) microphylla fruits: Metabolite profiling and anti-Trichomonas vaginalis activity.
Food Research International ( IF 7.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109236
L N Silva 1 , G V Rigo 2 , D B Silva 3 , C A Carollo 3 , D S Trentin 4 , M V Silva 5 , T Tasca 2 , A J Macedo 1

Poincianella (Caesalpinia) microphylla fractions were analyzed by LC-DAD-MS and by statistical tools to determine the possible bioactive compounds against T. vaginalis. Tannins enriched-fractions toxicity (M5 and M10) were analyzed in in vitro against human red cells and in in vivo model of Galleria mellonella. Twenty-six compounds were detected from the P. microphylla fractions. The main compounds identified were hydrolyzable tannins (gallitannins and ellagitannis), such as O-digalloyl hexoside, O-digalloyl HHDP -hexoside, Tri-O-galloyl HHDP-hexoside, O-galloyl HHDP-DHHDP-hexoside and their isomers. In addition, procyanidin dimer, epicatechin, ellagic acid and O-(digalloyl) quinic acid were also identified. Based on univariate statistical analyses, stronger correlations with the anti-T. vaginalis properties were observed for the compounds 7 (O-galloyl HHDP-DHHDP-hexoside - Geraniin isomer), 3 (O-digalloyl HHDP -hexoside - mallotinic acid), 2 (O-digalloyl) quinic acid), 1 (O-digalloyl hexoside) and 9 (unknown). Tannins enriched-fractions (M5 and M10) presented anti-Trichomonas activity (IC50 70.41 µg/mL and 142.1 µg/mL, respectively) and no toxicity in the in vivo model of Galleria mellonella. This innovative approach allowed us to identify likely bioactive compounds in the extracts, although the mechanism(s) underlying anti-trichomonal activity encompass a complex trait.



通过LC-DAD-MS和统计工具分析小inc(Caesalpinia)小叶Poincianella(Caesalpinia)的级分,以确定可能的抗阴道锥虫生物活性化合物。在体外针对人红细胞和在梅花回廊的体内模型中分析了单宁富集级分的毒性(M5和M10)。从小叶青假单胞菌级分中检测到26种化合物。鉴定出的主要化合物为可水解的丹宁(半乳单宁和鞣花丹),例如O-洋地戊己糖苷,O-二没糖HHDP-己糖苷,Tri- O -galloyl HHDP-己糖苷,O-galloyl HHDP-DHHDP-己糖苷及其异构体。另外,还鉴定出原花青素二聚体,表儿茶素,鞣花酸和O-(二对二酰基)奎宁酸。根据单变量统计分析,与抗强相关性阴道毛滴虫,观察化合物性质7Ô -galloyl HHDP-DHHDP-hexoside - Geraniin异构体),3O- digalloyl HHDP -hexoside - mallotinic酸),2O-二硬脂酰基)奎宁酸),1O-二硬脂酰基己糖苷)和9(未知)。单宁富集级分(M5和M10)呈现抗滴虫梅洛伊勒菌廊的体内模型中的活性(IC 50分别为70.41 µg / mL和142.1 µg / mL)且无毒性。这种创新的方法使我们能够鉴定出提取物中可能存在的生物活性化合物,尽管抗毛滴虫活性的潜在机制具有复杂的特征。
