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Tailoring Pulp Cellulose with Electron Beam Irradiation: Effects of Lignin and Hemicellulose
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering ( IF 7.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-14 , DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c02165
Oliver P. Sarosi 1 , Robert H. Bischof 2 , Antje Potthast 3

Electron beam irradiation (EBI), which is applied industrially for sterilization of goods and cross-linking of synthetic polymers, can also be used for dissolving cellulose pulp production or whenever a reduction or an alignment of molecular mass of cellulose is needed. There is limited information about the differential performance of cellulose pulps produced by either kraft or sulfite pulping after EBI. In this study, special focus was placed on the ability of hemicellulose and lignin in kraft and sulfite pulps to protect cellulose from glycosidic chain scission and oxidation. In total, four hardwood paper and dissolving pulps with different hemicellulose and lignin contents were treated with EBI at an energy of 10 MeV and increasing doses of 0–100 kGy. Changes in the samples’ molecular weight distribution and oxidation levels were analyzed by gel permeation chromatography and fluorescence labeling of carbonyl groups. Degradation efficiency was highest at low doses, and EBI showed homogeneous cellulose degradation. Analysis of carbohydrates leached from the pulp revealed preferential dissolution of polymeric hemicellulose fragments, correlating their presence to cellulose protection from chain scissions. Lignosulfonates were found to protect cellulose from both chain scission and oxidation but, controversially, kraft lignin was found to accelerate cellulose chain scission.



工业上用于产品灭菌和合成聚合物交联的电子束辐照(EBI)也可用于溶解纤维素纸浆生产或需要降低纤维素分子质量或排列方向的场合。关于在EBI之后通过牛皮纸制浆或亚硫酸盐制浆生产的纤维素纸浆的不同性能的信息有限。在这项研究中,重点放在牛皮纸和亚硫酸盐纸浆中的半纤维素和木质素保护纤维素免受糖苷键断裂和氧化的能力。总共用10 MeV的能量和0–100 kGy的增加剂量的EBI处理了四种具有不同半纤维素和木质素含量的硬木纸和溶解浆。通过凝胶渗透色谱和羰基荧光标记分析了样品分子量分布和氧化水平的变化。低剂量时降解效率最高,而EBI显示纤维素均质降解。对从果肉中浸出的碳水化合物的分析表明,聚合物半纤维素片段优先溶解,这使它们的存在与纤维素对链断裂的保护作用相关。发现木质素磺酸盐可保护纤维素免受断链和氧化的影响,但有争议的是,发现硫酸盐木质素可促进纤维素断链。对从果肉中浸出的碳水化合物的分析表明,聚合物半纤维素碎片优先溶解,这使它们的存在与纤维素对链断裂的保护作用相关。发现木质素磺酸盐可保护纤维素免受断链和氧化的影响,但有争议的是,发现硫酸盐木质素可促进纤维素断链。对从果肉中浸出的碳水化合物的分析表明,聚合物半纤维素片段优先溶解,这使它们的存在与纤维素对链断裂的保护作用相关。发现木质素磺酸盐可保护纤维素免受断链和氧化的影响,但有争议的是,发现硫酸盐木质素可促进纤维素断链。