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Rediscovering Korea's Ancient Skies: An Immersive, Interactive 3D Map of Traditional Korean Constellations in the Milky Way
arXiv - CS - Human-Computer Interaction Pub Date : 2020-04-11 , DOI: arxiv-2004.05349
Sung-A Jang, Benjamin L'Huillier

In this work, we visualized Korea's traditional constellations within an interactive 3D star map we created of the Milky Way. Unlike virtual planetariums based on celestial star coordinates from Earth's viewpoint, our visualization enables people to experience and interact with Korean constellation forms and its constituent stars in 3D space, and appreciate their historical, cultural significance from a contemporary perspective. Our interactive constellation map is based on the most detailed and accurate information on the stars in our Galaxy to date, and combines our expanding scientific understanding of the stars with contextual information reflecting Korea's unique astronomical culture and heritage.


重新发现韩国的古代天空:银河系中韩国传统星座的沉浸式交互式 3D 地图

在这项工作中,我们在我们创建的银河系交互式 3D 星图中可视化了韩国的传统星座。与基于地球视角的天体坐标的虚拟天文馆不同,我们的可视化使人们能够在 3D 空间中体验韩国星座形式及其组成恒星并与之互动,并从当代角度欣赏它们的历史和文化意义。我们的交互式星座图基于迄今为止关于我们银河系中恒星的最详细和准确的信息,并将我们对恒星不断扩大的科学理解与反映韩国独特的天文文化和遗产的背景信息相结合。