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Gypsum-brine-dolomite interfacial interactions in the presence of scale inhibitor
Chemical Engineering Science ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2020.115718
Amir Hossein Nikoo , Leila Mahmoodi , M. Reza Malayeri , Azim Kalantariasl

Abstract The underlying mechanisms upon which chemical scale inhibitors (SIs) mitigate inorganic scale formation, as a major drawback of waterflooding, are of practical implications. The present study investigates interactions between gypsum precursors in contact with dolomite rock and brine from experimental, simulation, and theoretical stands point of view. The influence of various dominant parameters such as the presence of inhibitor, dolomite rock and brine salinity on the intermolecular interaction energies is investigated. The results show that with the use of SI, the electrical double-layer and Lewis acid-base interaction energies decrease whereas Lifshitz-van der Waals increases approximately one order of magnitude. Furthermore, based on the works of cohesion and adhesion, the used SI retards gypsum from getting precipitated then deposited almost 77% and 90%, respectively. In most cases also, the gypsum-scaled dolomite rock compared to the bare rock would be more prone to gypsum scaling.



摘要 作为注水的主要缺点,化学阻垢剂 (SI) 减轻无机垢形成的潜在机制具有实际意义。本研究从实验、模拟和理论角度研究了与白云岩和盐水接触的石膏前体之间的相互作用。研究了抑制剂的存在、白云岩和卤水盐度等各种主要参数对分子间相互作用能的影响。结果表明,使用 SI,双电层和路易斯酸碱相互作用能降低,而 Lifshitz-van der Waals 增加大约一个数量级。此外,基于凝聚力和粘附力的工作,使用的 SI 阻止石膏沉淀,然后分别沉积近 77% 和 90%。在大多数情况下,与裸岩相比,石膏鳞片白云岩更容易出现石膏鳞片。