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Biochar-activated peroxydisulfate as an effective process to eliminate pharmaceutical and metabolite in hydrolyzed urine.
Water Research ( IF 11.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2020.115809
Ruochun Zhang 1 , Yaxiu Li 2 , Zijian Wang 2 , Yindong Tong 2 , Peizhe Sun 2

Eliminating pharmaceutical active compounds from source-separated urine is essential for nutrient recovery and reducing the contaminant load to wastewater treatment plants. However, limited oxidation treatment processes have shown satisfactory performance due to strong scavenging effect of urine components. This study proposed a heterogeneous catalytic system by combining biochar with peroxydisulfate (PDS), which effectively removed sulfamethoxazole (SMX) and its major human metabolite, N4-acetyl-sulfamethoxazole (NSMX) in urine. The performance of biochar/PDS was investigated in both a complete-mixing reactor and a biochar-packed column. Interestingly, urine components slightly inhibited the degradation of sulfonamides in biochar suspension but significantly improved their removal in biochar-packed column. Further investigation elucidated the PDS activation process and the effects of the main urine components, which explained the different results in biochar suspension and biochar-packed column. The biochar/PDS system mainly produced ·OH radical, singlet oxygen and surface-bound radicals (SBR), which transformed SMX to products of no apprarent antimicrobial properities. A cost-effective two-stage process was designed utilizing SBR as the major reactive species. This study may help to improve the understanding of the catalytic role of biochar and provide cost-effective treatment options for urine.



从源头分离的尿液中消除药物活性化合物对于营养回收和减少污水处理厂的污染物负荷至关重要。然而,由于尿液成分的强清除作用,有限的氧化处理工艺已显示出令人满意的性能。这项研究提出了一种生物炭与过氧二硫酸盐(PDS)结合的非均相催化系统,该系统可有效去除尿液中的磺胺甲恶唑(SMX)及其主要人体代谢物N4-乙酰基磺胺甲恶唑(NSMX)。在完全混合反应器和生物炭填充柱中研究了生物炭/ PDS的性能。有趣的是,尿液成分略微抑制了生物炭悬浮液中磺酰胺的降解,但显着提高了其在生物炭填充柱中的去除率。进一步的研究阐明了PDS的活化过程和主要尿液成分的影响,这解释了生物炭悬浮液和生物炭填充柱的不同结果。生物炭/ PDS系统主要产生·OH自由基,单线态氧和表面结合自由基(SBR),这使SMX转变为没有适当抗菌性能的产品。利用SBR作为主要反应物,设计了一种经济高效的两步法。这项研究可能有助于增进对生物炭催化作用的了解,并为尿液提供经济有效的治疗选择。从而将SMX转变为无抗菌功能的产品。利用SBR作为主要反应物,设计了一种经济高效的两步法。这项研究可能有助于增进对生物炭催化作用的了解,并为尿液提供经济有效的治疗选择。从而将SMX转变为无抗菌功能的产品。利用SBR作为主要反应物,设计了一种经济高效的两步法。这项研究可能有助于增进对生物炭催化作用的了解,并为尿液提供经济有效的治疗选择。