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Barnacle colonization on Spartina alterniflora in Georgia salt marshes
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecss.2020.106709
Heather M. Joesting , Michele Guidone , Rachel Hines

The distribution of barnacles within a habitat is influenced by numerous biotic and abiotic factors that impact barnacle recruitment and/or settlement. In Georgia salt marshes, barnacles (specifically Chthamalus fragilis) have been observed colonizing leaves and stems of S. alterniflora, which is the dominant plant species in marshes along the Gulf and East Coast. The aims of this study were to: 1) identify spatial and short-term monthly patterns of barnacle colonization within individual S. alterniflora as well as across sites of varying marine influence during peak barnacle recruitment and plant growth and 2) determine the effect of barnacle settlement on S. alterniflora growth and productivity. Patterns of barnacle settlement and measurements of plant growth and productivity were assessed through a field survey and field experiment in three salt marshes of varying proximity to oceanic inputs. Two marsh sites were dominated by tall-form S. alterniflora and one was composed of short-form plants. Results suggested spatial and short-term monthly patterns in barnacle settlement both across sites and within individual plants. Specifically, there was significantly greater barnacle density on stems and leaves of plants in salt marshes with greater marine influence. Furthermore, there was a decrease in barnacle settlement on S. alterniflora leaves and increase in settlement on stems from June to August, suggesting short-term monthly patterns in the portion of the plant colonized. Within individual plants, there was a significantly greater density of large barnacles on the middle segments of the stem and greater barnacle colonization in the non-axils of the stems compared to leaf axils. A potential negative impact of barnacle settlement on S. alterniflora was observed at the site with the greatest barnacle density and marine influence, which was also the site dominated by short-form S. alterniflora. These plants showed significantly lower photosynthetic efficiency in August, but it is unclear whether this was related to barnacle settlement, edaphic conditions, or both. Information on the patterns of barnacle settlement and its impact on S. alterniflora will be vital to coastal managers in salt marsh conservation strategies.



藤壶在栖息地中的分布受到众多影响藤壶募集和/或定居的生物和非生物因素的影响。在佐治亚州的盐沼中,观察到藤壶(特别是脆弱的Chthamalus fragilis)在互花米草的叶子和茎部定居,而互花米草是墨西哥湾和东海岸沼泽地的主要植物种这项研究的目的是:1)确定峰值藤壶募集和植物生长期间互生链球菌内以及跨不同海洋影响的地点藤壶定植的空间和短期月度模式,以及2)确定藤壶的影响互花米草的定居增长和生产力。通过实地调查和实地试验,在三个距海洋投入物不同的盐沼中评估了藤壶的沉积模式以及对植物生长和生产力的测量。两个沼泽地主要由高型互花米草组成,一个由短型植物组成。结果表明,跨地点和单个植物内藤壶沉降的空间和短期月度模式。具体而言,盐沼中植物的茎和叶上的藤壶密度显着较高,而海洋影响更大。此外,互花米草上的藤壶沉降减少从6月到8月,茎叶上的叶子逐渐增加,并且茎上的沉降增加,这表明被定植的植物部分出现了短期的月度格局。与叶腋相比,在单株植物中,茎中段的大藤壶密度显着更高,而茎的非腋中藤壶的定殖性更高。在藤壶密度和海洋影响最大的地方,观察到藤壶沉降对互花米草的潜在负面影响,这也是短型互花米草占主导地位的地点。这些植物在八月显示出明显较低的光合效率,但是尚不清楚这与藤壶沉降,水生条件或两者有关。有关藤壶定居方式及其对互花米草的影响的信息对于盐沼养护策略中的沿海管理者至关重要。
