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Electro‐Oxidation of Ni42 Steel: A Highly Active Bifunctional Electrocatalyst
Advanced Functional Materials ( IF 18.5 ) Pub Date : 2016-07-05 , DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201601581
Helmut Schäfer 1 , Daniel M. Chevrier 2 , Peng Zhang 2 , Johannes Stangl 3 , Klaus Müller-Buschbaum 3 , Jörg D. Hardege 4 , Karsten Kuepper 5, 6 , Joachim Wollschläger 5, 6 , Ulrich Krupp 7 , Simon Dühnen 1 , Martin Steinhart 1 , Lorenz Walder 1 , Shamaila Sadaf 1 , Mercedes Schmidt 1

Janus type water‐splitting catalysts have attracted highest attention as a tool of choice for solar to fuel conversion. AISI Ni42 steel is upon harsh anodization converted into a bifunctional electrocatalyst. Oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) are highly efficiently and steadfast catalyzed at pH 7, 13, 14, 14.6 (OER) and at pH 0, 1, 13, 14, 14.6 (HER), respectively. The current density taken from long‐term OER measurements in pH 7 buffer solution upon the electro‐activated steel at 491 mV overpotential (η) is around four times higher (4 mA cm−2) in comparison with recently developed OER electrocatalysts. The very strong voltage–current behavior of the catalyst shown in OER polarization experiments at both pH 7 and at pH 13 are even superior to those known for IrO2‐RuO2. No degradation of the catalyst is detected even when conditions close to standard industrial operations are applied to the catalyst. A stable Ni‐, Fe‐oxide based passivating layer sufficiently protects the bare metal for further oxidation. Quantitative charge to oxygen (OER) and charge to hydrogen (HER) conversion are confirmed. High‐resolution XPS spectra show that most likely γ−NiO(OH) and FeO(OH) are the catalytic active OER and NiO is the catalytic active HER species.



Janus型水分解催化剂作为太阳能转化为燃料的首选工具引起了人们的最高关注。AISI Ni42钢经严格的阳极氧化处理后转变为双功能电催化剂。氧气析出反应(OER)和氢气析出反应(HER)分别在pH 7、13、14、14.6(OER)和pH 0、1、13、14、14.6(HER)下高效且稳定地催化。在491 mV超电势(η)下,在pH 7缓冲溶液中对电活化钢进行长期OER测量得出的电流密度大约高四倍(4 mA cm -2))与最近开发的OER电催化剂相比。在OER极化实验中显示的催化剂在pH 7和pH 13时都具有非常强的电压-电流性能,甚至优于IrO 2 -RuO 2已知的那些。即使将接近标准工业操作的条件应用于催化剂,也未检测到催化剂的降解。稳定的基于Ni,Fe氧化物的钝化层足以保护裸露的金属进一步氧化。确认了向氧气的定量电荷(OER)和向氢气的电荷(HER)转化。高分辨率XPS光谱显示,最有可能的γ-NiO(OH)和FeO(OH)是催化活性的OER,而NiO是催化活性的HER物种。