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Fractions Transformation and Dissipation Mechanism of Dechlorane Plus in the Rhizosphere of the Soil-Plant System.
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-06 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06748
Yu Cheng 1 , Jue Ding 2 , Xiuyu Liang 3 , Xiaowen Ji 1 , Ling Xu 4 , Xianchuan Xie 1, 4 , You-Kuan Zhang 3

The fractions transformation and dissipation mechanism of Dechlorane Plus (DP) in the rhizosphere of soil–plant system were investigated and characterized by a 150-day experiment using a rhizobox system. The depuration, accumulation, and translocation of DP in rice plants were observed. The contributions of plant uptake, microbial degradation, and bound-residue formation to DP dissipation under the rhizosphere effect were modeled and quantified. The gradients of DP concentrations correlated well with microbial biomass in the rhizosphere (R2 = 0.898). The rhizosphere facilitated the bioavailability of DP (excitation) and modified the bound-residue formation of DP (aging). DP concentrations in roots were positively correlated with the labile fraction of DP in soil (R2 = 0.852–0.961). There were spatiotemporal variations in the DP fractions. Dissolved and soil organic carbon were important influences on fraction transformation. Contributions to total DP dissipation were in the following ranges: microbial degradation (8.33–54.14%), bound-residue formation (3.64–16.43%), and plant uptake (0.54–3.85%). With all of these processes operating, the half-life of DP in the rhizosphere was 105 days. The stereoselectivity of DP isomers in both rice and DP fractions in soil were observed, suggesting a link between stereoselective bioaccumulation of DP in terrestrial organisms and dissipation pathways in soil.



在150天的根瘤菌箱系统实验中,研究了Dechlorane Plus(DP)在土壤-植物系统根际中的组分转化和耗散机理。观察到水稻中DP的净化,积累和转运。对植物吸收,微生物降解和残基形成对根际效应下DP消散的贡献进行了建模和量化。DP浓度的梯度与根际中的微生物生物量密切相关(R 2 = 0.898)。根际促进了DP的生物利用度(激发)并改变了DP的结合残基形成(衰老)。根中DP含量与土壤中DP的不稳定部分呈正相关(R 2= 0.852–0.961)。DP分数存在时空变化。溶解和土壤有机碳是影响馏分转化的重要因素。对总DP耗散的贡献在以下范围内:微生物降解(8.33–54.14%),结合残留物形成(3.64–16.43%)和植物吸收(0.54–3.85%)。通过所有这些过程的操作,DP在根际的半衰期为105天。水稻和土壤中DP组分中DP异构体的立体选择性都得到了观察,这表明陆地生物中DP的立体选择性生物蓄积与土壤中的耗散途径之间存在联系。