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Attosecond Coherence Time Characterization in Hard X-Ray Free-Electron Laser
Scientific Reports ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-06 , DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-60328-4
Guanqun Zhou , Franz-Josef Decker , Yuantao Ding , Yi Jiao , Alberto A. Lutman , Timothy J. Maxwell , Tor O. Raubenheimer , Jiuqing Wang , Aaron J. Holman , Cheng-Ying Tsai , Jerome Y. Wu , Weiwei Wu , Chuan Yang , Moohyun Yoon , Juhao Wu

One of the key challenges in scientific researches based on free-electron lasers (FELs) is the characterization of the coherence time of the ultra-fast hard x-ray pulse, which fundamentally influences the interaction process between x-rays and materials. Conventional optical methods, based on autocorrelation, are very difficult to realize due to the lack of mirrors. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a novel method which yields a coherence time of 174.7 attoseconds for the 6.92 keV FEL pulses at the Linac Coherent Light Source. In our experiment, a phase shifter is adopted to control the cross-correlation between x-ray and microbunched electrons. This approach provides critical diagnostics for the temporal coherence of x-ray FELs and is universal for general machine parameters; applicable for wide range of photon energy, radiation brightness, repetition rate and FEL pulse duration.



基于自由电子激光器(FEL)的科学研究的关键挑战之一是表征超快硬X射线脉冲的相干时间,这从根本上影响了X射线与材料之间的相互作用过程。由于缺少反射镜,基于自相关的常规光学方法很难实现。在这里,我们实验证明了一种新颖的方法,对于直线加速器相干光源上的6.92 keV FEL脉冲,其相干时间为174.7阿秒。在我们的实验中,采用移相器来控制X射线和微束电子之间的互相关。这种方法为X射线FEL的时间相干性提供了关键的诊断方法,并且对于一般机器参数是通用的。适用于广泛的光子能量,辐射亮度,
