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Quantum yield and brightness
Journal of Luminescence ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jlumin.2020.117256
Ka-Leung Wong , Jean-Claude G. Bünzli , Peter A. Tanner

Abstract Brightness has different meaning in different contexts and some of these are reviewed. The scientific definition of brightness does not represent our perception. The current definition is that from the IUPAC Gold Book and is mainly restricted to solutions. We propose a definition for solids that requires the use of an integrating sphere. Terms related to quantum yield and efficiency are clarified as well as those characterizing light properties.



摘要 亮度在不同的上下文中具有不同的含义,并且对其中的一些进行了回顾。亮度的科学定义并不代表我们的感知。当前的定义来自 IUPAC Gold Book,主要限于解决方案。我们提出了一个需要使用积分球的固体定义。阐明了与量子产率和效率相关的术语以及表征光特性的术语。