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Macroscale Superlubricity Achieved on the Hydrophobic Graphene Coating with Glycerol.
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-10 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c01515
Yanfei Liu 1 , Jinjin Li 1 , Xiangyu Ge 1 , Shuang Yi 1 , Hongdong Wang 1 , Yuhong Liu 1 , Jianbin Luo 1

Introduction of graphene-family nanoflakes in liquid results in a reduction in friction and enhanced wear resistance. However, the high demand for dispersity and stability of the nanoflakes in liquid largely restricted the choice of graphene-family nanoflakes thus far. This study proposed a new strategy to overcome this limitation, involving the formation of a graphene coating with deposited graphene-family nanoflakes, followed by the lubrication of the coating with glycerol solution. Pristine graphene (PG), fluorinated graphene (FG), and graphene oxide (GO) nanoflakes were chosen to be deposited on the respective SiO2 substrates to form graphene coatings, and then an aqueous solution of glycerol was used as lubricant. The coefficient of friction (COF) and wear rate were reduced for all deposited coatings. However, the PG coating exhibited better lubrication and antiwear performance than FG and GO coatings. A robust superlubricity with COF of approximately 0.004 can be achieved by combining glycerol with the PG coating. The superlubricity mechanism was attributed to the formation of a tribofilm, mainly composed of graphene nanoflakes in the contact zone. The extremely low friction achieved on the hydrophobic graphene coating with liquid can aid in the development of a high-performing new lubrication system for industrial applications.


