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Intracellular Wireless Analysis of Single Cells by Bipolar Electrochemiluminescence Confined in a Nanopipette.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-25 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202002323
Yuling Wang 1 , Rong Jin 1 , Neso Sojic 2 , Dechen Jiang 1 , Hong-Yuan Chen 1

The inside walls of a nanopipette tip are decorated by a Pt deposit that is used as an open bipolar electrochemiluminescence (ECL) device to achieve intracellular wireless electroanalysis. The synergetic actions of nanopipette and of bipolar ECL lead to the spatial confinement of the voltage drop at the level of the Pt deposit, which generates ECL emission from luminol. The porous structure of Pt deposit permits the electrochemical transport of intracellular molecules into the nanopipette that is coupled with enzymatic reactions. Thus, the intracellular concentrations of hydrogen peroxide or glucose are measured in vivo as well as the intracellular sphingomyelinase activity. In comparison with the classic bipolar ECL, the remarkably low potential applied in our approach is restricted inside the nanopipette and it minimizes the potential bias of the voltage on the cellular activity. Accordingly, this wireless ECL approach provides a new direction for analysis of single living cells.


