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Anaerobic Respiration in the Unsaturated Zone of Agricultural Soil Mobilizes Phosphorus and Manganese.
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-07 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06978
Ruben Warrinnier 1 , Sara Bossuyt 1 , Camille Resseguier 2 , Philippe Cambier 2 , Sabine Houot 2 , Jon Petter Gustafsson 3 , Jan Diels 1 , Erik Smolders 1

Anaerobic conditions mobilize phosphorus (P) in soils and sediments. The role of anaerobic microsites in well-drained soil on P migration is unknown. This study aimed to identify mechanisms that control field-scale vertical P mobility as affected by organic fertilizers that may trigger variable redox conditions. Soils were sampled at different depths in a well-drained Luvisol after 19 years of application of organic fertilizers. The concentrations of P and manganese (Mn) in 0.45-μm-filtered extracts (10-3 M CaCl2) of field-moist soil samples were strongly correlated (r = + 0.95), and both peaked in and below the compacted plough pan, suggesting that reductive processes mobilize P. Waterlogged soil incubations confirmed that anaerobic respiration comobilizes Mn and P and that this leads to the release of colloidal P and iron (Fe). The long-term applications of farmyard manure and immature compost enhanced the concentrations of Mn, Fe, and aluminum (Al) in the soil solution of subsurface samples, whereas less such effect was found under the application of more stable organic fertilizers. Farmyard manure application significantly enhanced soil P stocks below the plough layer despite a small P input. Overall, multiple lines of evidence confirm that anaerobic respiration, sparked by labile organic matter, mobilizes P in this seemingly well-drained soil.



厌氧条件会动员土壤和沉积物中的磷(P)。排水良好的土壤中厌氧性微场所对磷迁移的作用尚不清楚。这项研究旨在确定机制,该机制控制着可能引发可变氧化还原条件的有机肥料对农田垂直P迁移的影响。在施用有机肥料19年后,在排水良好的Luvisol中对不同深度的土壤进行了采样。在田间潮湿的土壤样品中,经0.45-μm过滤的提取物(10-3 M CaCl2)中的P和锰(Mn)的浓度高度相关(r = + 0.95),并且在压实犁p的下方和下方均达到峰值,这表明还原过程动员了磷。淹水的土壤温育证实厌氧呼吸使锰和磷动员,这导致胶体磷和铁(Fe)的释放。长期施用农家肥和未成熟的堆肥提高了地下样品土壤溶液中Mn,Fe和铝(Al)的浓度,而在使用更稳定的有机肥料时,这种影响较小。尽管施用少量的磷,但施用农家肥仍显着增加了耕层以下的土壤磷储量。总体而言,有多条证据表明,不稳定的有机物引发的厌氧呼吸使磷在这看似排水良好的土壤中迁移。尽管施用少量的磷,但施用农家肥仍显着增加了耕层以下的土壤磷储量。总体而言,有多条证据表明,不稳定的有机物引发的厌氧呼吸使磷在这看似排水良好的土壤中迁移。尽管施用少量的磷,但施用农家肥仍显着增加了耕层以下的土壤磷储量。总体而言,多条证据表明,由不稳定的有机物引发的厌氧呼吸使磷在这种看似排水良好的土壤中迁移。