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An Activatable Lanthanide Luminescent Probe for Time-Gated Detection of Nitroreductase in Live Bacteria.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-16 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202002391
Benjamin Brennecke 1 , Qinghua Wang 2 , Qingyang Zhang 2 , Hai-Yu Hu 2 , Marc Nazaré 1

Herein we report the development of a turn-on lanthanide luminescent probe for time-gated detection of nitroreductases (NTRs) in live bacteria. The probe is activated through NTR-induced formation of the sensitizing carbostyril antenna and resulting energy transfer to the lanthanide center. This novel NTR-responsive trigger is virtually non-fluorescent in its inactivated form and features a large signal increase upon activation. We show that the probe is capable of selectively sensing NTR in lysates as well as in live bacteria of the ESKAPE family which are clinically highly relevant multiresistant pathogens responsible for the majority of hospital infections. The results suggest that our probe could be used to develop diagnostic tools for bacterial infections.



在此,我们报告了一种开启式镧系元素发光探针的开发,用于活细菌中硝基还原酶(NTR)的时间门控检测。探针通过 NTR 诱导形成敏化喹诺酮天线并将能量转移到镧系元素中心而被激活。这种新颖的 NTR 响应触发器在失活形式下几乎不发出荧光,并且在激活时信号会大幅增加。我们表明,该探针能够选择性地检测裂解物以及 ESKAPE 家族活细菌中的 NTR,这些细菌是临床上高度相关的多重耐药病原体,是导致大多数医院感染的原因。结果表明我们的探针可用于开发细菌感染的诊断工具。