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Crystalline Semiconductor Boron Quantum Dots
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ( IF 8.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-31 , DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b19648
Jinqian Hao 1 , Guoan Tai 1 , Jianxin Zhou 1 , Rui Wang 1, 2 , Chuang Hou 1 , Wanlin Guo 1

Zero-dimensional boron structures have always been the focus of theoretical research owing to their abundant phase structures and special properties. Boron clusters have been reported extensively by combining structure searching theories and photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) experiments; however, crystalline boron quantum dots (BQDs) have rarely been reported. Here, we report the preparation of large-scale and uniform crystalline semiconductor BQDs from the expanded bulk boron powders via a facile and efficient probe ultrasonic approach in the acetonitrile solution. The obtained BQDs have 2.46 nm average lateral size and 2.81 nm thickness. Optical measurements demonstrate that a strong quantum confinement effect occurs in the BQDs, implying the increase of the band gap from 1.80 eV for the corresponding bulk to 2.46 eV for the BQDs. By injecting the BQDs into poly(vinylpyrrolidone) as an active layer, a BQD-based memory device is fabricated that shows a rewriteable nonvolatile memory effect with a low transition voltage of down to 0.5 V and a high on/off switching ratio of 103 as well as a good stability.



零维硼结构由于其丰富的相结构和特殊性能一直是理论研究的重点。结合结构搜索理论和光电子能谱(PES)实验已广泛报道了硼团簇。但是,很少有晶体硼量子点(BQD)的报道。在这里,我们报告了通过一种简便高效的乙腈溶液探针超声方法,从膨胀的散装硼粉中制备出大规模且均匀的晶体半导体BQD。所获得的BQD具有2.46 nm的平均横向尺寸和2.81 nm的厚度。光学测量表明,在BQD中发生了强烈的量子限制效应,这意味着带隙从相应体积的1.80 eV增加到BQD的2.46 eV。3以及良好的稳定性。