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Ln3+-doped nanoparticles with enhanced NIR-II luminescence for lighting up blood vessels in mice.
Nanoscale ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1039/d0nr01098g
Cong Cao 1 , Na Wu , Wei Yuan , Yuyang Gu , Jiaming Ke , Wei Feng , Fuyou Li

Probes functioning in the second near-infrared window (1000-1700 nm, NIR-II) exhibit higher resolution and diminished auto-fluorescence compared to those in the traditional NIR region (700-950 nm). Here, we designed and synthesized rare earth ion doped probes with core/shell/shell structures and bright luminescence in the NIR-II region excited at 808 nm. With the doping of Ce3+ ions, the emission intensity of Er3+ at 1530 nm increased 10 times, while the upconversion luminescence decreased to less than 1%. After being modified with polyacrylic acid and polyethylene glycol, the as-obtained water-soluble probe exhibits continuous high-resolution for distinguishing 0.25 mm blood vessels even 10 h after injection. Noteworthily, the imaging of tumors was achieved by injecting the probe, indicating that the designed NIR-II probe has sufficient brightness and the ability to passively target tumor tissue.


具有增强的NIR-II发光功能的Ln3 +掺杂的纳米粒子可照亮小鼠的血管。

与传统的近红外区域(700-950 nm)相比,在第二个近红外窗口(1000-1700 nm,NIR-II)中起作用的探针显示出更高的分辨率,并减少了自发荧光。在这里,我们设计并合成了具有核/壳/壳结构并在808 nm激发的NIR-II区具有明亮发光的稀土离子掺杂探针。随着Ce3 +离子的掺杂,Er3 +在1530 nm处的发射强度增加了10倍,而上转换发光降低到不足1%。用聚丙烯酸和聚乙二醇修饰后,所得水溶性探针显示出连续的高分辨率,即使在注射后10小时也能分辨0.25 mm的血管。值得注意的是,肿瘤的成像是通过注入探针实现的,