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Neutralization of an electrospray by a corona discharge
Journal of Aerosol Science ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2020.105547
M. Khalifehei , F.J. Higuera

Abstract A numerical analysis is presented of the neutralization of a dilute electrospray by a corona discharge of polarity opposite to that of the spray droplets in the gap between two parallel disks charged to different electric potentials. An Eulerian description of the spray is combined with a transport equation for the corona ions and mass and momentum conservation equations for the gas. Two configurations of the corona are considered. In one of them the corona is generated outside of the gap and the corona ions are injected through an orifice opposite to the inlet orifice of the spray. The corona current that can be injected by these means is limited by the space charge of the ions already present in the gap. The maximum corona current increases with the voltage applied between the disks, and the minimum voltage required to achieve full neutralization increases with the flow rate of the electrospray. In the other configuration the corona is generated around a point electrode on the axis of the spray. The ionic current is not limited in this case. However, partially discharged droplets are attracted to the point electrode and deposit on it if neutralization is not completed before the droplets reach the electrode.



摘要 数值分析了电晕放电对稀释电喷雾的中和,该电晕放电极性与带不同电势的两个平行圆盘之间的间隙中的喷雾液滴的极性相反。喷雾的欧拉描述与电晕离子的传输方程以及气体的质量和动量守恒方程相结合。考虑了电晕的两种配置。在其中之一中,电晕在间隙外产生,并且电晕离子通过与喷雾入口孔口相对的孔口注入。可以通过这些方式注入的电晕电流受到间隙中已经存在的离子的空间电荷的限制。最大电晕电流随着磁盘之间施加的电压而增加,并且实现完全中和所需的最小电压随着电喷雾的流速而增加。在另一种配置中,电晕是围绕喷雾轴上的点电极产生的。在这种情况下,离子电流不受限制。然而,如果在液滴到达电极之前没有完成中和,则部分释放的液滴会被吸引到点电极并沉积在点电极上。