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Genome assembly of six polyploid potato genomes
Scientific Data ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-11 , DOI: 10.1038/s41597-020-0428-4
Maria Kyriakidou 1 , Noelle L Anglin 2 , David Ellis 2 , Helen H Tai 3 , Martina V Strömvik 1

Genome assembly of polyploid plant genomes is a laborious task as they contain more than two copies of the genome, are often highly heterozygous with a high level of repetitive DNA. Next Generation genome sequencing data representing one Chilean and five Peruvian polyploid potato (Solanum spp.) landrace genomes was used to construct genome assemblies comprising five taxa. Third Generation sequencing data (Linked and Long-read data) was used to improve the assembly for one of the genomes. Native landraces are valuable genetic resources for traits such as disease and pest resistance, environmental tolerance and other qualities of interest such as nutrition and fiber for breeding programs. The need for conservation and enhanced understanding of genetic diversity of cultivated potato from South America is also crucial to North American and European cultivars. Here, we report draft genomes from six polyploid potato landraces representing five taxa, illustrating how Third Generation Sequencing can aid in assembling polyploid genomes.



多倍体植物基因组的基因组组装是一项艰巨的任务,因为它们含有两个以上的基因组拷贝,通常是高度杂合的,具有高水平的重复DNA。代表一个智利和五个秘鲁多倍体马铃薯( Solanum spp .)地方品种基因组的下一代基因组测序数据被用来构建包含五个分类群的基因组组件。第三代测序数据(链接数据和长读数据)用于改进其中一个基因组的组装。本土地方品种是宝贵的遗传资源,具有抗病虫害、环境耐受性和其他重要品质(例如用于育种计划的营养和纤维)的特性。保护和加强对南美洲栽培马铃薯遗传多样性的了解的需要对于北美和欧洲品种也至关重要。在这里,我们报告了代表五个分类单元的六个多倍体马铃薯地方品种的基因组草图,说明了第三代测序如何帮助组装多倍体基因组。
