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Construction of Hydrocarbon Nanobelts.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-04 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202002827
Tan-Hao Shi 1 , Shuo Tong 1 , Mei-Xiang Wang 1

Linearly fused hydrocarbon nanobelts are a unique type of double-stranded macrocycles that would serve as not only the powerful hosts in supramolecular science but also the templates to grow zig-zag carbon nanotubes with defined diameters. Fully conjugated hydrocarbon nanobelts such as belt[n]arenes would also possess unique physical and chemical properties. Despite the importance, both fully conjugated and (partially) saturated hydrocarbon nanobelts remain largely unexplored because of the lack of cyclization methods. Reported here is the construction of nanometer sized H12 -belt[12]arenes based on the strategy to close up all fjords of resorcin[6]arene by means of six-fold intramolecular alkylation reactions of resorcin[6]arene derivatives. All resulting H12 -belt[12]arenes produce a very similar nanobelt core structure with six benzene rings and six boat 1,4-cyclohexadiene rings being alternately linear-fused to give a nearly equilateral hexagonal cylinder. The average long diagonal is around 1 nm and the height of the cylinder is about 0.3 nm. The acquired H12 -belt[12]arenes would be the potential precursors to various hydrocarbon nanobelts including fully conjugated belt[12]arenes.



线性稠合的烃纳米带是双链大环的独特类型,不仅可以充当超分子科学的强大宿主,而且还可以作为模板来生长具有定义直径的之字形碳纳米管。完全共轭的碳氢化合物纳米带(如环芳烃)也将具有独特的物理和化学特性。尽管很重要,但由于缺乏环化方法,完全共轭和(部分)饱和的烃纳米带仍未得到充分开发。这里报道的是基于通过间苯二酚[6]芳烃衍生物的六倍分子内烷基化反应来封闭所有间苯二酚[6]芳烃的策略而构建的纳米级H12-带[12]芳烃。所有所得的H12带[12]芳烃均产生非常相似的纳米带核心结构,其中六个苯环和六个船形1,4-环己二烯环交替线性稠合,得到几乎等边的六边形圆柱体。平均长对角线约为1 nm,圆柱体的高度约为0.3 nm。所获得的H12带[12]芳烃可能是包括完全共轭带[12]芳烃在内的各种烃类纳米带的潜在前体。