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Effect of PTFE coating on enhancing hydrogen embrittlement resistance of stainless steel 304 for liquefied hydrogen storage system application
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-14 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.01.104
Jae-Sik Hwang , Jeong-Hyeon Kim , Seul-Kee Kim , Jae-Myung Lee

The phenomenon of hydrogen embrittlement phenomenon is known to be a major obstacle to proposed to overcome this phenomenon. In the present study, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), which is known to be an effective hydrogen adsorption and desorption material, was coated on the surface of stainless steel 304 to improve its hydrogen embrittlement resistance. To make a hydrogen embrittlement environment, electrochemical hydrogen pre-charging was applied to the PTFE-coated stainless steel 304. To investigate the effects of PTFE coating on the hydrogen embrittlement resistance of stainless steel 304, the Charpy V-notch impact (CVN) test was performed under three different temperatures: 25, −83, and −196 °C. Additionally, hydrogen concentration, electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) evaluations were carried out to verify the results of the CVN impact test. The PTFE coating did not have a significant effect on the quantitative reduction of hydrogen concentration; however, we confirmed its excellent performance in terms of toughness reduction due to the increase in hydrogen loading time at room temperature.



