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The Effect of Ligand Mobility on the Cellular Interaction of Multivalent Nanoparticles.
Macromolecular Bioscience ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-20 , DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201900427
Sara Maslanka Figueroa 1 , Daniel Fleischmann 1 , Sebastian Beck 1 , Achim Goepferich 1

Multivalent nanoparticle binding to cells can be of picomolar avidity making such interactions almost as intense as those seen with antibodies. However, reducing nanoparticle design exclusively to avidity optimization by the choice of ligand and its surface density does not sufficiently account for controlling and understanding cell–particle interactions. Cell uptake, for example, is of paramount significance for a plethora of biomedical applications and does not exclusively depend on the intensity of multivalency. In this study, it is shown that the mobility of ligands tethered to particle surfaces has a substantial impact on particle fate upon binding. Nanoparticles carrying angiotensin‐II tethered to highly mobile 5 kDa long poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) chains separated by ligand‐free 2 kDa short PEG chains show a superior accumulation in angiotensin‐II receptor type 1 positive cells. In contrast, when ligand mobility is constrained by densely packing the nanoparticle surface with 5 kDa PEG chains only, cell uptake decreases by 50%. Remarkably, irrespective of ligand mobility and density both particle types have similar EC50 values in the 1–3 × 10−9 m range. These findings demonstrate that ligand mobility on the nanoparticle corona is an indispensable attribute to be considered in particle design to achieve optimal cell uptake via multivalent interactions.



与细胞结合的多价纳米颗粒可以具有皮摩尔亲合力,使得这种相互作用几乎与抗体所见的相互作用一样强烈。但是,仅通过选择配体及其表面密度来减少纳米颗粒设计以进行亲和力优化,仍不足以解决控制和理解细胞-颗粒相互作用的问题。例如,对于多种生物医学应用而言,细胞摄取至关重要,并且不仅仅取决于多重价的强度。在这项研究中,表明了束缚在颗粒表面上的配体的迁移对结合时的颗粒命运有重大影响。携带血管紧张素II的纳米粒子束缚在高度移动的5 kDa长的聚乙二醇(PEG)链上,由无配体的2 kDa短PEG链隔开,在血管紧张素II受体1型阳性细胞中表现出优异的积累。相反,当通过仅用5 kDa PEG链紧密堆积纳米颗粒表面来限制配体的迁移性时,细胞摄取会减少50%。值得注意的是,无论配体迁移率和密度如何,两种颗粒的EC50值在1-3×10中均相似-9 m范围。这些发现表明,纳米颗粒电晕上的配体迁移率是在颗粒设计中要考虑的必要条件,以通过多价相互作用实现最佳的细胞摄取。