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Comments Regarding ‘An Essay on Contact Angle Measurements’
Plasma Processes and Polymers ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2010-11-15 , DOI: 10.1002/ppap.201000090
Rosa Di Mundo , Fabio Palumbo

In this commentary we discuss the assay by M. Strobel and C. S. Lyons on contact angle measurements, critical and popular topic in surface/plasma science community. We agree with stressing the importance of dynamic contact angle measurements (i.e. the evaluation of both advancing and receding). However, we make some remarks about the meaning of angle hysteresis with particular regard to the concepts of roughness and chemical heterogeneity, on the basis of our experience in hydrophobic and super-hydrophobic surfaces. Further, we describe our different point of view in the dispute between Wilhelmy balance and sessile drop methods.



在这篇评论中,我们讨论了 M. Strobel 和 CS Lyons 关于接触角测量的分析,这是表面/等离子体科学界的关键和流行话题。我们同意强调动态接触角测量的重要性(即对前进和后退的评估)。然而,基于我们在疏水和超疏水表面的经验,我们对角度滞后的含义进行了一些评论,特别是关于粗糙度和化学异质性的概念。此外,我们描述了我们在 Wilhelmy 天平和 sesile drop 方法之间的争议中的不同观点。