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Mixotrophic Ochromonas Addition Improves the Harmful Microcystis-Dominated Phytoplankton Community in In Situ Microcosms.
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06438
Lu Zhang 1 , Zeshuang Wang 1 , Na Wang 1 , Lei Gu 1 , Yunfei Sun 1 , Yuan Huang 1 , Yafen Chen 2 , Zhou Yang 1

Driven by global warming and eutrophication, outbreaks of cyanobacterial blooms severely impact ecosystem stability and water safety. Of the organisms used to control cyanobacteria, protozoa can highly resist cyanotoxins, efficiently control cyanobacterial populations, and show considerably different feeding strategies from those of metazoans. Thus, protozoa have great potential to control harmful cyanobacteria and improve phytoplankton composition in eutrophic waters. To evaluate the actual effects of protozoa in controlling cyanobacteria and improving the phytoplankton community structure in the field, an in situ microcosm study was performed using a flagellate Ochromonas gloeopara that ingests Microcystis. Results showed that adding Ochromonas reduced the cyanobacterial populations and increased the chlorophyte and diatom proportions. Furthermore, the species richness and diversity of the phytoplankton community were enhanced in microcosms with Ochromonas. Additionally, there was a gradual increase in the chlorophyte population in the unicellular Microcystis control, while Ochromonas addition significantly accelerated the replacement of dominant species. This study was the first to show the practical effects of protozoa on controlling cyanobacteria in the field, highlighting that a reduction in in situ cyanobacteria via protozoa can improve the phytoplankton community structure, dredge the toxic cyanobacteria-dominated microbial food web, and mitigate harmful cyanobacteria risks in fresh waters.



在全球变暖和富营养化的驱动下,蓝藻水华暴发严重影响了生态系统的稳定性和水安全。在用于控制蓝细菌的生物中,原生动物可以高度抵抗蓝藻毒素,有效地控制蓝细菌种群,并显示出与后生动物明显不同的喂养策略。因此,原生动物具有控制有害蓝藻和改善富营养化水中浮游植物组成的巨大潜力。为了评估原生动物在控制蓝细菌和改善浮游植物群落结构方面的实际效果,使用吞食微囊藻的鞭毛Ochromonas gloeopara进行了原位缩影研究。结果表明,添加Ochromonas减少了蓝细菌的数量,并增加了叶绿素和硅藻的比例。此外,在浮游动物的缩影中,浮游植物群落的物种丰富度和多样性得到了增强。此外,在单细胞微囊藻的控制中,绿藻类种群逐渐增加,而色铬的添加显着加速了优势种的替换。该研究首次显示了原生动物在该领域控制蓝细菌的实际效果,强调通过原生动物减少原位蓝细菌可以改善浮游植物群落结构,疏通以蓝细菌为主导的有毒微生物,并减轻有害的蓝细菌在淡水中存在危险。在单细胞微囊藻的控制中,绿藻类种群逐渐增加,而色铬的添加显着加速了优势种的替换。该研究首次显示了原生动物在该领域控制蓝细菌的实际效果,强调通过原生动物减少原位蓝细菌可以改善浮游植物群落结构,疏通以蓝细菌为主导的有毒微生物,并减轻有害的蓝细菌在淡水中存在危险。在单细胞微囊藻的控制中,绿藻类种群的数量逐渐增加,而色铬的添加显着加速了优势种的替换。该研究首次显示了原生动物在该领域控制蓝细菌的实际效果,强调通过原生动物减少原位蓝细菌可以改善浮游植物群落结构,疏通以蓝细菌为主导的有毒微生物,并减轻有害的蓝细菌在淡水中存在危险。