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A rapid total reflection X-ray fluorescence protocol for micro analyses of ion profiles in Arabidopsis thaliana
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2016-11-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.sab.2016.09.013
Ricarda Höhner , Samaneh Tabatabaei , Hans-Henning Kunz , Ursula Fittschen

Abstract The ion homeostasis of macro and micronutrients in plant cells and tissues is a fundamental requirement for vital biochemical pathways including photosynthesis. In nature, ion homeostasis is affected mainly by three processes: 1. Environmental stress factors, 2. Developmental effects, and 3. Loss or gain-of-function mutations in the plant genome. Here we present a rapid total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) protocol that allows for simultaneous quantification of several elements such as potassium (K), calcium (Ca), sulfur (S), manganese (Mn) and strontium (Sr) in Arabidopsis thaliana leaf specimens. Our procedure is cost-efficient and enables precise, robust and highly reproducible measurements on tissue samples as small as 0.3 mg dry weight. As shown here, we apply the TXRF procedure to detect accurately the early replacement of K by Na ions in leaves of plants exposed to soil salinity, a globally increasing abiotic stress factor. Furthermore, we were able to prove the existence of a leaf development-dependent ion gradient for K, Ca, and other divalent ions in A. thaliana ; i.e. old leaves contain significantly lower K but higher Ca than young leaves. Lastly, we show that our procedure can be readily applied to reveal subtle differences in tissue-specific ion contents of plant mutants. We employed independent A. thaliana kea1kea2 loss-of-function mutants that lack KEA1 and KEA2, two highly active chloroplast K exchange proteins. We found significantly increased K levels specifically in kea1kea2 mutants, i.e. 55 mg ∗ g − 1 dry weight, compared to 40 mg ∗ g − 1 dry weight in wild type plants. The TXRF procedure can be supplemented with Flame atomic absorption (FAAS) and emission spectrometry (FAES) to expand the detection range to sodium (Na) and magnesium (Mg). Because of the small sample amounts required, this method is especially suited to probe individual leaves in single plants or even specific leaf areas. Therefore, TXRF represents a powerful method to gain detailed quantitative insights into I) the effect of environmental stress on plant ion homeostasis, II) ion gradients between plant tissues, and III) ion levels in plant mutants with compromised growth or heterogeneous phenotypes.


一种用于拟南芥中离子分布微量分析的快速全反射 X 射线荧光方案

摘要 植物细胞和组织中大量和微量营养素的离子稳态是包括光合作用在内的重要生化途径的基本要求。在自然界中,离子稳态主要受三个过程的影响:1. 环境胁迫因素,2. 发育影响,以及 3. 植物基因组中的功能缺失或功能获得突变。在这里,我们提出了一种快速全反射 X 射线荧光 (TXRF) 协议,该协议允许同时量化几种元素,如钾 (K)、钙 (Ca)、硫 (S)、锰 (Mn) 和锶 (Sr)。拟南芥叶标本。我们的程序具有成本效益,可以对小至 0.3 毫克干重的组织样本进行精确、稳健和高度可重复的测量。如图所示,我们应用 TXRF 程序来准确检测暴露于土壤盐分的植物叶片中钠离子对钾的早期替代,这是一种全球增加的非生物胁迫因子。此外,我们能够证明拟南芥中 K、Ca 和其他二价离子的叶片发育依赖离子梯度的存在;即老叶比幼叶含有显着较低的 K 但较高的 Ca。最后,我们表明我们的程序可以很容易地应用于揭示植物突变体组织特异性离子含量的细微差异。我们采用了独立的拟南芥 kea1kea2 功能丧失突变体,它们缺乏 KEA1 和 KEA2,这两种高活性叶绿体 K 交换蛋白。我们发现 kea1kea2 突变体中 K 水平显着增加,即 55 mg ∗ g − 1 干重,而野生型植物中的 K 水平为 40 mg ∗ g − 1 干重。TXRF 程序可以补充火焰原子吸收 (FAAS) 和发射光谱法 (FAES),以将检测范围扩展到钠 (Na) 和镁 (Mg)。由于所需的样品量很少,这种方法特别适合探测单株植物中的单个叶子甚至特定的叶子区域。因此,TXRF 代表了一种强大的方法,可以深入了解 I) 环境胁迫对植物离子稳态的影响,II) 植物组织之间的离子梯度,以及 III) 生长受损或异质表型的植物突变体中的离子水平。这种方法特别适用于探测单株植物中的单个叶子,甚至是特定的叶子区域。因此,TXRF 代表了一种强大的方法,可以深入了解 I) 环境胁迫对植物离子稳态的影响,II) 植物组织之间的离子梯度,以及 III) 生长受损或异质表型的植物突变体中的离子水平。这种方法特别适用于探测单株植物中的单个叶子,甚至是特定的叶子区域。因此,TXRF 代表了一种强大的方法,可以深入了解 I) 环境胁迫对植物离子稳态的影响,II) 植物组织之间的离子梯度,以及 III) 生长受损或异质表型的植物突变体中的离子水平。