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Autotransplantation of third molars: a literature review and preliminary protocols.
British Dental Journal ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1038/s41415-020-1264-9
Lucia Armstrong 1 , Claire O'Reilly 2 , Bilal Ahmed 3

Tooth autotransplantation (the movement of a tooth from one site to another in the same person) is a technique with a history dating back many centuries. However, the use of third molars as donor teeth is perhaps less well-recognised and less documented. A review of the current literature was undertaken with particular attention to the use of the third molar as the donor tooth. The selection process, surgical procedure and follow-up pathways were summarised in the review. Appropriate patient selection was found to be a key factor in the success of the technique. Other prognostic factors were also discussed. The findings from the available literature suggest that autotransplantation is a viable and cost-effective technique. However, the literature relating to the use of third molars as donor teeth for autotransplantation is limited and there are currently no evidence-based guidelines or protocols relating to the technique. This paper discusses the literature and protocols the authors implement for autotransplantation of wisdom teeth.


