Department of Materials Science and Engineering; Stanford University; Stanford CA 94305 USA
IKERBASQUE; Basque Foundation for Science; 48011 Bilbao Spain
Department of Electrical Engineering; Stanford University; Stanford CA 94305 USA
Stanford Institute for Materials and Energy Sciences; SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; 2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park CA 94025 USA
AC Atre等。理论上证明了宽带超材料在可见光和NIR光谱范围内具有数百纳米的负折射率。在第327页上,使用转换光学器件来保形地映射无限等离子体激元波导的负折射率模式,以使纳米级等离子体激元谐振器中的电偶极子和磁偶极子退化。这种谐振器的周期性阵列在光频率处显示负折射率,如通过微米级超材料棱镜的光的图像所示。
Metamaterials: A Broadband Negative Index Metamaterial at Optical Frequencies (Advanced Optical Materials 4/2013)
A. C. Atre et al. theoretically demonstrate a broadband metamaterial with negative indices across hundreds of nano meters in the visible and NIR spectral regime. On page 327, transformation optics is used to conformally map the negative index mode of an infinite plasmonic waveguide to degenerate electric and magnetic dipoles in a nanoscale plasmonic resonator. A periodic array of such resonators exhibits negative refractive indices at optical frequencies, as illustrated in the image of light passing through a micrometer‐scale metamaterial prism.