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Engineering oxygen vacancies on dendrite-like IrO2 for the oxygen evolution reaction in acidic solution
Sustainable Energy & Fuels ( IF 5.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-27 , DOI: 10.1039/d0se00007h
Chao Cai 1, 2, 3, 4 , Shaobo Han 1, 2, 3, 4 , Yongliang Tang 1, 2, 3, 4

Here we report IrO2 with dendrite-like nanostructures (DLNs) as a catalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) in acidic solution. The IrO2 DLNs are prepared by the molten salt method and have self-standing three dimensional structures. IrO2 with DLNs has a high mass activity determined to be 19-fold that of commercial IrO2. Combining a wide array of ex situ characterization methods, we demonstrate that the sublayer Ir cations and lattice O participate in the OER. The Ir corrosion and O/OH adsorption during the OER can lead to IrO2 surface reconstruction, from a compressed one to a stretched one.



在这里,我们报告具有枝状纳米结构(DLNs)的IrO 2作为酸性溶液中氧释放反应(OER)的催化剂。IrO 2 DLN通过熔融盐法制备,具有自立的三维结构。具有DLN的IrO 2具有很高的质量活性,被确定为商业IrO 2的19倍。结合各种各样的异位表征方法,我们证明亚层Ir阳离子和晶格O参与OER。红外腐蚀和O / OH -的OER期间吸附能导致的IrO 2表面重建,从压缩一至拉伸之一。