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Historical sunspot records
Living Reviews in Solar Physics ( IF 23.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s41116-020-0023-y
Rainer Arlt , José M. Vaquero

Sunspot observations are available in fairly good numbers since 1610, after the invention of the telescope. This review is concerned with those sunspot observations of which longer records and drawings in particular are available. Those records bear information beyond the classical sunspot numbers or group sunspot numbers. We begin with a brief summary on naked-eye sunspot observations, in particular those with drawings. They are followed by the records of drawings from 1610 to about 1900. The review is not a compilation of all known historical sunspot information. Some records contributing substantially to the sunspot number time series may therefore be absent. We also glance at the evolution of the understanding of what sunspots actually are, from 1610 to the 19th century. The final part of the review illuminates the physical quantities that can be derived from historical drawings.



自 1610 年望远镜发明以来,太阳黑子观测已有相当多的数据。本次审查涉及那些有较长记录和绘图的太阳黑子观测。这些记录包含的信息超出了经典太阳黑子数或太阳黑子群数。我们首先对肉眼太阳黑子观测进行简要总结,特别是附图。随后是 1610 年至 1900 年左右的绘图记录。该评论并非对所有已知历史太阳黑子信息的汇编。因此,一些对太阳黑子数时间序列有重大贡献的记录可能不存在。我们还回顾了从 1610 年到 19 世纪人们对太阳黑子到底是什么的理解的演变。评论的最后部分阐明了可以从历史图纸中得出的物理量。
