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Managing unexplained chronic cough in adults: what are the unmet needs?
The Lancet Respiratory Medicine ( IF 38.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-25 , DOI: 10.1016/s2213-2600(20)30083-7
Richard S Irwin 1 , Cynthia L French 1 , J Mark Madison 1

Gibson and colleagues defined an unexplained chronic cough in adults as a cough that persists longer than 8 weeks and remains unexplained after investigation and supervised therapeutic trials done according to best-practice guidelines in an adherent patient. The authors further specified that the cough could remain unexplained because chronic cough had no diagnosable cause, a putative diagnosis was made but it was refractory to treatment, or the cause of the cough was not diagnosable and remained refractory to treatments. The authors stressed the importance of addressing two clinical needs that must be met to improve the poor quality of life of patients with unexplained chronic cough—a challenging clinical disorder that has defied either diagnosis or treatment. The first clinical need is the development of new therapies that are approved by regulatory agencies and the question of how best to study them. The second need is for clinicians to practice intervention fidelity by closely adhering to the best clinical practice guidelines for chronic cough management; clinicians and researchers should not deviate from following the best clinical practice diagnostic and treatment guidelines and researchers should carefully specify in their publications how studies ensured intervention fidelity to such guidelines. These actions are important to avoid cough due to treatable underlying causes being left undiagnosed and falsely labelled as unexplained.


