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Generation of spatiotemporal optical vortices with controllable transverse orbital angular momentum
Nature Photonics ( IF 32.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-24 , DOI: 10.1038/s41566-020-0587-z
Andy Chong , Chenhao Wan , Jian Chen , Qiwen Zhan

Today, it is well known that light possesses a linear momentum that is along the propagation direction. Besides, scientists also discovered that light can possess an angular momentum, a spin angular momentum (SAM) associated with circular polarization and an orbital angular momentum (OAM) owing to the azimuthally dependent phase. Even though such angular momenta are longitudinal in general, an SAM transverse to the propagation direction has opened up a variety of key applications1. In contrast, investigations of the transverse OAM are rare due to its complex nature. Here, we demonstrate a three-dimensional wave packet that is a spatiotemporal (ST) optical vortex with a controllable purely transverse OAM. Contrary to the transverse SAM, the magnitude of the transverse OAM carried by the ST vortex is scalable to a larger value by simple adjustments. Since the ST vortex carries a controllable OAM uniquely in the transverse dimension, it has strong potential for novel applications that may not be possible otherwise. The scheme reported here can be readily adapted for other spectral regimes and different wave fields, opening opportunities for the study and applications of ST vortices in a wide range of areas.



