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CH4/C2H6 gas hydrate interparticle interactions in the presence of anti-agglomerants and salinity
Fuel ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2020.117208
Sijia Hu , Carolyn A. Koh

Abstract Gas hydrate interparticle cohesive forces are essential to evaluate hydrate interfacial properties and determine the hydrate particle agglomeration behavior. In this study, a technique was developed in a modified high-pressure micromechanical force (HP-MMF) apparatus that enables hydrate anti-agglomerants (AAs) to be evaluated at an interfacial level under deepwater petroleum flowline conditions of high pressure and low temperature in a liquid hydrocarbon-dominated system. The hydrate cohesive force was found to decrease from the baseline (23.5 ± 2.5 mN m−1) to a non-measurable force value (


CH4/C2H6 气体水合物在抗凝聚剂和盐度存在下的颗粒间相互作用

摘要 天然气水合物颗粒间内聚力对于评价水合物界面性质和确定水合物颗粒团聚行为至关重要。在这项研究中,在改进的高压微机械力 (HP-MMF) 设备中开发了一种技术,该技术能够在深水石油流线的高压和低温条件下在界面水平上评估水合物抗凝聚剂 (AAs)。以液态碳氢化合物为主的系统。发现水合物内聚力从基线 (23.5 ± 2.5 mN m-1) 降低到不可测量的力值 (